
Ellyt was a human male who lived on the planet Coruscant and had a twin brother, Sym. They were both experts on the history of Coruscant. In 230 BBY, the twins and their friends Alees June and Loran went out to clubs in the streets of Coruscant and ran into a Jedi, Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo. June invited Azzazzo to join them, and they went to a club called the Uzzu, where Sym put his arm over his brother's shoulder. Soon after, they left and went to an apartment with more of their friends, where Azzazzo showed off his lightsaber. The Jedi and June then left.

Both Ellyt and Sym were wiry and tall, and they each had dark, spiky hair, and black eyes. Ellyt wore clothing with slick, black, blue, and metallic colors unlike Azzazzo's Jedi robes.

Ellyt appeared in the short story "The Call of Coruscant," written by Lydia Kang and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

Behind the scenes

Ellyt appeared in the short story "The Call of Coruscant," written by Lydia Kang and published in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.






