
Loran was a Zabrak female event planner who lived on the planet Coruscant. In 230 BBY, she and her friends Alees June, Ellyt, and Sym went about the streets of Coruscant, going to clubs and inviting Jedi Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo to join them.


Loran lived on Coruscant (pictured).

Loran lived on Coruscant (pictured).

Loran was a Zabrak female who lived on the planet Coruscant. She was an event organizer for famous people on the planet, acquainted with the singer Tillia Nova and celebrities Sin Merk and Gaggaran Gu. At some point, she helped her friend Alees June through a difficult time. In 230 BBY, she, June, and their friends Ellyt and Sym were clubbing in the streets of Coruscant and happened upon Jedi Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo, whom June invited to join them. She patted Loran on the shoulder when introducing her. Loran was resistant to adding another member to their party, but June felt that the difference between four and five was negligible. The Zabrak relented on the condition that Azzazzo remove his Jedi robes, which were killing her mood.

They went to a club called the Uzzu for drinks. While talking there, Azzazzo mentioned that he meditated in his free time, which Loran found unappealing, focusing on work-related items on her datapad and then taking a call. A former boyfriend of June's, Bing, then barged in, bellowing at June for having ignored his calls. He lunged for her, but Azzazzo caught him, twisting his wrist until Bing gave up and slinked away. Impressed, Loran noted that June now owed the Jedi a drink. The group then left the Uzzu, joining other friends at an apartment, where Azzazzo showed off his lightsaber.

Personality and traits

Loran was serious looking, and though June acknowledged that she often seemed distracted, she was grateful to the Zabrak for her support.


The Zabrak wore clothing whose slick colors of blue and black contrasted Azzazzo's Jedi robes.

Behind the scenes

Loran appeared in "The Call of Coruscant," a short story written by Lydia Kang and published in the 2023 collection The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life.






