Neimoidian Home Defense Legion

The Neimoidian Home Defense Legions were a collection of Confederacy of Independent Systems-aligned military units assigned to protect the planet Neimoidia and the Neimoidian purse worldsCato Neimoidia, Deko Neimoidia, and Koru Neimoidia—during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Interestingly, the legions were comprised of Neimoidian conscripts and not battle droids, each carrying an E-5 blaster rifle and wearing a pair of data goggles.

In 21 BBY, the second year of the Clone Wars, the Office of the General of the Separatist Army issued a decree increasing homeworld security, prompted by recent incursions into Neimoidian space by Republic scouting missions. In response, the Neimoidian Home Defense Legions doubled their conscription rate and called up all reservist for active duty to protect Neimoidia and her purse worlds from the war. The Trade Federation 's Viceroy, Nute Gunray, made a general address to his people regarding the decree in Neimoidia's capital city of Koto-Si while flanked by a trio of Neimoidian conscripts. On 14:10:05, both the General's decree and Viceroy Gunray's address were reported on by CIS Shadowfeed in an article entitled "Neimoidians Double Conscription Rate."

The Neimoidian Home Defense Legions first appeared in the HoloNet News article "CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:10:05 Edition," written by Pablo Hidalgo and published in Star Wars Insider 71 in 2003.

Behind the scenes

The Neimoidian Home Defense Legions first appeared in the HoloNet News article "CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:10:05 Edition," written by Pablo Hidalgo and published in Star Wars Insider 71 in 2003.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



