Nathan Donar III


He was a Human male, the eldest son of Governor Dol Donar II and Rissa Donar. He grew up with his father's tenet "only suckers take chances".

He was trained in the same class at the Academy of Carida that Kyle Katarn was in. Nathan used to call him "Rimmer."

Nathan saw Katarn while he was exiting the Base's hospital after his , and grabbed his arm expressing his congratulations; Kyle nonchallantly pulled his arm free and waved an acknowledgment. Sometime later, and after hearing several versions of Katarn's heroic mission, he found him at the library and invited him to the ; they were joined by other cadets, and Nathan entertained them with his own version of Katarn's story, which even Odom Meck, Katarn's roommate, found funny. He was surprised hearing that Kyle hadn't up to that time called his father to tell him the news, and asked if he was a Rebel sympathiser..

During the graduation ceremony, he was given the position of ; marching safely next to the inside flank, was responsible for giving the call to wheel his column along and from the edge of the Cliffside. Knowing that the responsibility had to do with timing, he thought outside the Academy's traditions and had placed a smalf self-adhesive disk at the point where he should time the call. During the march he was concentrated to the fact that his parents were watching, the glare, and ignoring his urge to pee. Other than that, he didn't see the marker where he expected it, and forced himself to improvise: waiting for what he thought the best moment, he ordered the Company to turn on the left; during "walking the edge", those on the right flank, like Kyle Katarn, felt part of the sole of their foot outside the edge. Then he repeated the order and led his company to the stands, without any casualties.

He fainted during the long procedure and while Rom Mohc and Jerec decorated Kyle Katarn. That night he drank a lot of Novanian grog and wine with his friends and family; he eventually threw up inside a friend's groundcar, and then suffered from a hangover.

Following this, his family took their family yacht and boarded the liner Star of Empire. At the observation deck he spotted again his favorite rimmer, Katarn, and said that if he knew he would be there, they would had offered him a lift with their yacht. He insisted on coming to meet his parents, as they were ready to take a dinner and could "latch on"; before even responding, Nathan already dragged Kyle and shouted to his parents, introducing him as his heroic and decorated classman and friend. They were approached by Lando Calrissian who invited his father to a game of sabacc and they retreated to the ship's Corellia Room with his father.

Following that evening, Nathan rested in their cabin, reading some printout silently, between the awkward tension of his parents; his father had lost a fortune to Calrissian. The silence broke when a bounty hunter named Slyder insisted on meeting the governor, and looked curiously at their family droid who announced him; Nathan smirked when the Rodian's natural body odor filled the room. The Rodian produced holo-footage spying some Rebels onboard the ship, and his friend, Kyle, interacting with the female one, deciding to defect. Inside him, Nathan couldn't decide if Kyle was really a traitor or just fell for her charms. He looked at his father as he furiously ordered the bounty hunter to arrest them.

True to his friendship, he tried to warn Katarn to stay away from Jan Ors sending him a message, saying that she isn't pretty enough to waste his career, and be prepared for some questions. This message made Kyle realising that their mactions were known, and warned Ors about her imminent capture. Nathan then, wearing his , joined Slyder and other Imperial military personnel to stop Ors in an ensuing skirmish; they followed her to the hangar deck, on her way to her ship, the Truly Sorry. Once they emerged from the airlock, her accomplice Ris Waller shot at them from the ship's turret, scattering them; Kyle, who was observing the events from the ship's cockpit, was happy to see that Nathan managed to duck safely into a secondary airlock.

The Sorry was able to escape the hangar in time. The posse then boarded tha family's yacht to pursue the ship. His father insisted to bring along the remains of the droid that was with Ors and a technician attempted to reactivate it on the yacht. They didn't know that the droid was programmed to self-destruct upon close proximity by Imperials. Realising his fate, Slyder started shooting against the humans to punish as many as he could moments before the inevitable. Nathan also found his death there.

Personality and traits

Nathan had a nasal voice, like his father, and his face was marked by a long thin nose and beady brown eyes, in which Katarn sensed a fake good-nature. Although Nathan often approached "Rimmer" Katarn, he considered Nathan annoying; Kyle disliked his voice and being called "Rimmer" by him, a slur referring to him being a Sulonese from the Outer Rim.

His mother's lectures about his drinking habits was a sore subject. Other than that Nathan's main motivation was his father's respect, something that made him turn pink.

Behind the scenes

In the audio adaptation of Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire audio drama, he was voiced by Patrick Coyle.






