Corellia Room

The Corellia Room was a sabacc lounge onboard the luxury liner Star of Empire.

A typical "world-class" public room, it was themed to resemble an actual casino on Corellia and featured all appropriate decorations, complete with "windows" showing Corellia from orbit, and Corellian artwork to emulate that culture's look and feel. It was equipped with a sabacc table and .

Lando Calrissian and had arranged a game of sabacc at two, and Donar's son, Nathan, also attended. They attracted the attention of about thirty onlookers around them.

Kyle Katarn entered the room to visit Nathan, and exchanged looks with a Rebel woman he met earlier; the woman ran away and Kyle, seeking revenge and also questions, immediately left running after her. During the process of the game, Donar lost part of his fortune to Calrissian.



