Mission to Coruscant (Kyle Katarn)

The Mission to Coruscant was a mission in the Galactic Civil War. When Kyle Katarn obtained a nava card from the Star Jewel, Jan Ors told him that only the Imperial Security Operations building in the Imperial City hosted a reader that could interpret it. The card was believed to hold information regarding the secret location of the Arc Hammer.

Defected Imperial Crix Madine arranged a security code clearance to allow Jan Ors to approached with the Moldy Crow in a plaza where she left Kyle. Playing hide and seek in the streets of the city against Stormtroopers and Imperial officers, as well as a Phase I dark trooper, Kyle reached a low courtyard from which he rode an elevator to a terrace. Dodging around the searchlights, he reached a blue Keycard, and jumped over a chasm to a building which the card opened.

The door led to a circular elevator shaped similarly to the Imperial crest, and descended seven levels below. Exiting the room, he reached the courtyard around the ISO building. Once there, he followed an air duct to a secured room where he salvaged a red keycard, as well as an Assault cannon intended for the Phase II dark troopers.

He entered a high security maze of corridors and gates, down to the computer core and entered the card; he then wrote the decoded information in datatapes.

Meanwhile, Jan Ors was spotted and attacked by TIE Fighters. A distress call reached Kyle's comlink on his way back to the drop point and he ran to see what had happened. Jan was gone when Kyle returned, and instead found Boba Fett waiting for him, hired sometime earlier by Rom Mohc.

Although a challenging opponent, Katarn managed to disable Fett long enough to escape with Jan Ors in the Moldy Crow.

Behind the scenes

The mission appears as the eleventh level of the video game Star Wars: Dark Forces, titled "Imperial City, Coruscant - The Imperial Mask." The level was designed by Jim Current, who tried to create the specific area Kyle Katarn was supposed to traverse, while giving the illusion of being a part of a vast city.


  • Dark Forces Official Player's Guide









