Nava card

Nava cards or NavCards were media of carrying coordination and astrogation data.

During the Dark Trooper campaign and while Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors were looking for the Arc Hammer, Ors thought that there would be found some Imperial Navigational devices or charts that the smugglers involved in the Dark Trooper project, which would help them find the location of the Arc Hammer.

On his mission to Nar Shaddaa, Katarn found an Imperial nava card describing the activities of all smugglers. The card contained navigational coordinates for a Nava computer but it turned out to be encrypted according to an Imperial military protocol and could be read only after being plugged into a decryption key box.

After Katarn's theft, Jabba the Hutt captured the agent pair and his thugs confiscated the Card into his ship, but Katarn fought his way to reclaiming it. Katarn ended up in the Imperial Security Operations Building, Coruscant, the only place where he could insert the nava card into a decoder to reveal data chips used for additional information, which he then wrote in datatapes.


During the Dark Trooper campaign and while Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors were looking for the Arc Hammer, Ors thought that there would be found some Imperial Navigational devices or charts that the smugglers involved in the Dark Trooper project, which would help them find the location of the Arc Hammer.

On his mission to Nar Shaddaa, Katarn found an Imperial nava card describing the activities of all smugglers. The card contained navigational coordinates for a Nava computer but it turned out to be encrypted according to an Imperial military protocol and could be read only after being plugged into a decryption key box.

A decoder in the ISO building

A decoder in the ISO building

After Katarn's theft, Jabba the Hutt captured the agent pair and his thugs confiscated the Card into his ship, but Katarn fought his way to reclaiming it. Katarn ended up in the Imperial Security Operations Building, Coruscant, the only place where he could insert the nava card into a decoder to reveal data chips used for additional information, which he then wrote in datatapes.









