Merrk Kelborn

Merrk Kelborn was a male Human Mandalorian Rally Master during the time of the Cold War. He was present on Vaiken Spacedock in coordinating training sessions with fellow Mandalorians Gen Vizla and Braum Bourne.

Merrk Kelborn appeared in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as the Advanced Class trainer for the Bounty Hunter class, wherein he, with the aid of Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne and Gen Vizla, helped train players in the skills of either a Powertech or a Mercenary. He was removed in Game Update 5.0, when advanced classes were made available on character creation rather than level 10.

Behind the scenes

Merrk Kelborn appeared in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as the Advanced Class trainer for the Bounty Hunter class, wherein he, with the aid of Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne and Gen Vizla, helped train players in the skills of either a Powertech or a Mercenary. He was removed in Game Update 5.0, when advanced classes were made available on character creation rather than level 10.



