Gen Vizla

Before the mission's removal from the game, Gen Vizla appeared in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as part of the Advanced Training mission for the Bounty Hunter class, wherein players were sent to him and Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne by Rally Master Merrk Kelborn in order to receive advice on whether to learn the skills of either a Powertech or a Mercenary. While Bourne preferred the Powertech specialization, Vizla advocated for the Mercenary specialization. He could be found both on Vaiken Spacedock and in the Mandalorian enclave on Dromund Kaas. In the German version of Star Wars: The Old Republic, his last name was spelled "Vizsla," similar to Pre Vizsla and Tor Vizsla.

Behind the scenes

Before the mission's removal from the game, Gen Vizla appeared in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as part of the Advanced Training mission for the Bounty Hunter class, wherein players were sent to him and Braum "Zakkeg" Bourne by Rally Master Merrk Kelborn in order to receive advice on whether to learn the skills of either a Powertech or a Mercenary. While Bourne preferred the Powertech specialization, Vizla advocated for the Mercenary specialization. He could be found both on Vaiken Spacedock and in the Mandalorian enclave on Dromund Kaas. In the German version of Star Wars: The Old Republic, his last name was spelled "Vizsla," similar to Pre Vizsla and Tor Vizsla.



