Marauder Reconnaissance Armor

Marauder Reconnaissance Armor, also known as Recon Marauder Armor, was a type of armor created by the Sanyassan Marauders from the Forest Moon of Endor.


As its name suggested, Marauder Reconnaissance Armor was a type of reconnaissance armor, lightweight and appreciated for its cheap cost and mobility levels. This armor was usually made up of any available moldable materials that may have had some protective traits. Hence, its effectiveness could vary greatly, depending on the type of materials used and the skills of the armorsmith. Typical materials used to construct the armor included scaley hides, polymer, and fiber and fiberplast panels. A typical complete set of armor comprised of a helmet, chest plate, left and right biceps, left and right bracers, gloves, leggings, and boots. It was available in several different colors.


Two other types of Marauder armor existed, including Marauder Battle Armor and Marauder Assault Armor. These armors, along with the Recon Marauder Armor, originated from their namesake Sanyassan Marauders, a band of Sanyassan pirates who found themselves stranded on the Forest Moon of Endor in 100 BBY. Chief among them was King Terak, the Sanyassan warlord who led the pirate's from their stronghold. Prior to his death in about 3.5 ABY, Terak wore an entire suit of bronze-colored Marauder Reconnaissance Armor, albeit without the gloves and helmet. Terak was not the only Marauder to wear such armor. Fightmaster Jorak wore Recon Marauder Armor leggings and bracers, while the scholar Szingo wore the bracers and chest plate. Meanwhile, the Sanyassan Rydel Delan, though not affiliated with the Marauders, likewise made use of the armor's chest plate and bracers.

Circa 1 ABY, other organizations aside from the Sanyassan Marauders had adopted use of the recon armor. Trandoshan captains of the Blackscale Clan, posted to the Avatar Orbital Platform, were equipped with almost entirely full suits of the armor. In their Tatooine offices, security forces of the White Thranta Shipping Company incorporated Recon Marauder Armor Helmets as part of their uniforms. So too did Wilders and Marauders of the Blackguard, a group of Force wielders who made their home in the Southern Jedi Ruins of Mustafar.

Recon Marauder Armor was also worn by spacers during the time of the Galactic Civil War. King Terak bestowed parts of the armor to one loyal servant. Elsewhere on Endor, a trader encountered Macchbraus, a Sanyassan armorsmith. Macchbraus, who had been outcast by his fellow Marauders, agreed to divulge the secrets on how to manufacture Assault and Recon Marauder Armor in exchange for being taught how to make other armors commonly worn by offworlders, including bone, composite, Mabari and padded armor.

Behind the scenes

Marauder Reconnaissance Armor appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Initially, the Marauder recon armor was only worn by Marauder non-player characters in the original release of the game. The armor was later made craftable and wearable by players with the release of the "Game Update 5," on July 29, 2008.





















