
Malthor was a Mid Rim planet located in the Tandon sector. It featured the active trade city Fabrillan, which in turn was the site of the busy Fabrillan City Spaceport. Fabrillan was home to a relatively large population of the sentient Reigat, and the Humans Berren Sid Té and Reginna Bel Typolla were also native to the planet.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance–affiliated Sleeper Cell V-16 of civilian operatives was established in Fabrillan, with its main focus being on information gathering and rendering assistance to any Rebel operatives visiting Malthor. At one point, Bel Typolla ventured off-world to participate in the Medepiest Uprising, only for her to eventually return to Malthor, and the Reigat criminal Talak also resided in Fabrillan for some time.


Malthor was a terrestrial planet situated in the Malthor system, a part of the Tandon sector in the Slice portion of the Mid Rim.


Malthor's native Reginna Bel Typolla returned to her homeworld after smuggling weapons during the Medepiest Uprising.

Malthor's native Reginna Bel Typolla returned to her homeworld after smuggling weapons during the Medepiest Uprising.

Around 1 BBY, during the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance helped establish the Alliance-affiliated civilian Sleeper Cell V-16 in Malthor's Fabrillan city. The sleeper cell was based on the information gathering network led by the local street vendor Berren Sid Té, and its membership included Sid Té, the bouncer Bakku, the pilot Margo Flarestream, the Fabrillan City Spaceport docking attendant Reginna Bel Typolla, and the droid programmer known as the "Spek-Man." Besides information gathering, Sleeper Cell V-16 also aimed to assist any Alliance agents visiting Malthor, whom the civilian operatives would usually contact first. Among the specialized help the sleeper cell's members could provide, Flarestream was usually recruited for any transportation off-world that was required.

At some point, Bel Typolla had traveled off Malthor to participate as a gunrunner in the Medepiest Uprising that shared its name with the Medepiest system of the Lambda sector. Eventually, she safely returned to Malthor. In addition, Alliance Intelligence believed that the Reigat criminal Talak, who was thought to have visited Malthor on multiple occasions, had resided in Fabrillan before hiring out his strength and combat abilities and ultimately traveling off-world. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Alliance General Airen Cracken mentioned Malthor in several entries dedicated to Sleeper Cell V-16 that were part of a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives. Cracken would also go on to mention the planet's role in Talak's biography in Wanted by Cracken, a 7 ABY datafile that served as a compilation of reports on various threats to the New Republic.


Malthor's city of Fabrillan had a relatively large population of the sentient Reigat, numbering approximately fifty thousand individuals. The settlement was also home to several Humans, with Malthor being the homeworld of Berren Sid Té and Reginna Bel Typolla, who were born around 45 BBY and 26 BBY, respectively. In addition, the near-Human "Spek-Man," who was skilled at surviving in Malthor's "wilds," resided outside of Fabrillan. At one point, several Jawas were also present in the city.


Fabrillan was a bustling trade city on Malthor, hosting the busy Fabrillan City Spaceport as well as the slum area known as "Downside."

Behind the scenes

Malthor was created by Ed Stark and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, several scenes set on the planet were illustrated by Brian Schomburg. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Malthor system, and therefore Malthor itself, in grid square Q-14.

