List of Legends elements in the films

C-canon elements from licensed Expanded Universe (EU) creators have appeared in the Star Wars films, mainly the prequel trilogy. Most of these are brief appearances, almost taking the form of Easter eggs, and are even hardly distinguishable. However, others are more substantial.

The prequel trilogy also has many references to names and elements introduced in the television series Star Wars Droids due to Ben Burtt's large involvement in both, not the least of which is the cameo by himself as Ebenn Q3 Baobab in The Phantom Menace.

The reverse process is also true: many Expanded Universe works have given names and/or background information to nearly every element shown in the films. Additionally, the Visual Dictionary series, along with other official sources such as "What's The Story?," has also introduced many retcons, thus "creating" C-canon depictions in films—e.g. the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary identifies Count Dooku's tunic in Revenge of the Sith as being created on Vjun, a planet found heretofore strictly in the EU. The significance of these identifications, for the most part, is downplayed in this article.

After the reboot of 2014, EU material has been harvested for use in the new continuity, and films including Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens borrow Legends material.

Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace

Baobab at the celebrations following the Battle of Naboo

Baobab at the celebrations following the Battle of Naboo

  • The species name Rodian first appeared in Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, but was used in the prequel trilogy in George Lucas's handwritten scripts and production notes (although it is never mentioned in dialogue).
  • The name "Coruscant" was coined by Timothy Zahn for The Thrawn Trilogy. Lucas developed the ecumenopolis of the capital called Had Abbadon and planned to include the planet in Return of the Jedi, but decided to adopt the name created by Zahn for the Imperial Center when presenting the planet in the Special Editions and prequel trilogy.
  • The writing system called "Aurebesh" that appears is the one created for West End Games, by Stephen Crane, who had, in turn based it on meaningless script appearing in the original trilogy.
  • Hutts being a species, rather than a gangster title (as originally suggested), also originated in West End Games material.
  • The Jedi Code is mentioned, having first appeared in West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, based on the concept of the Jedi Oath developed in the early drafts for Star Wars Episode V:TheEmpire Strikes Back.
  • Boonta Eve Classic resembles the Boonta Speeder Race from the Droids episode "A Race to the Finish."
  • The physics of how podracers fly was inspired in part by what the LucasArts team created for Star Wars Episode I: Racer.

Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones

The painting by Jon Foster that secured Aayla's place in the Star Wars saga

The painting by Jon Foster that secured Aayla's place in the Star Wars saga

  • Aayla Secura appeared as a minor character in the movies, played by Amy Allen. The character was introduced in Star Wars: Republic: Twilight, released after The Phantom Menace. George Lucas liked her illustration in a cover art and decided to adapt her character.
  • Action VI transports initially appeared as the Wild Karrde in Heir to the Empire. They also arrive at the Theed Spaceport in Attack of the Clones.
  • The planet Rishi, introduced in Dark Force Rising, was given a mention via the Rishi Maze in Attack of the Clones.
  • The swamp planet of Bogden that was mentioned by Jango Fett appeared in the Droids episode "The Revenge of Kybo Ren."
  • When Obi-Wan uses a lightsaber blade to block Dooku's Force lightning, this is possibly inspired by Luke Skywalker doing the same to Joruus C'baoth's lightning in the third novel of the Thrawn trilogy, The Last Command. This was visually depicted in the comic adaptation, from which George Lucas also chose to highlight some panels in the book containing his favorite comic artwork, Star Wars Art: Comics. Author Timothy Zahn has stated he believes that George took inspiration of this ability from this comic depiction for the film.
  • Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee, the two Jedi sent to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padmé Amidala, albeit written for the film, first introduced to the audience in the novels Cloak of Deception by James Luceno and The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster.
  • Dex's Diner is similar to the diner in an episode of Droids.
  • The concept of power couplings (of the type that Obi-Wan and Anakin flew through) first appeared in the Star Wars: Dark Empire comics.
  • The depiction of the nightlife of Coruscant was inspired in part by illustrations Ralph McQuarrie made, as well as descriptions Kevin J. Anderson wrote, for The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.
The apocryphal ending of Jedi Knight

The apocryphal ending of Jedi Knight

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

A scene familiar to gamers appears for the first time in a film

A scene familiar to gamers appears for the first time in a film

Revenge of the Sith has several elements that first appeared in Legends sources, such as Labyrinth of Evil, that were written during the movie's production. However, since those sources borrowed those elements directly from the finished post-production movie script (for example, General Grievous was written for the film but first appeared in Star Wars: Clone Wars), they are not included.

  • The form of Force Grip that appears in the scene with Darth Tyranus and Obi-Wan (immobilizing and lifting the target) first appeared in the Jedi Knight games.
  • Plo Koon'sDelta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor has the same paint scheme as the Azure Angel.
  • Legends character Quinlan Vos is mentioned (as "Master Vos") by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the one of the Jedi Temple's many data rooms. (Vos in turn was based on a background extra at the Mos Espa café in The Phantom Menace.) A cameo of this character during the execution of Order 66 was planned but not filmed.
  • As first mentioned in The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, Aldera is depicted as at the very least being close to a lake, if not at the center as previously noted.
  • Sound clips of Attichitcuk's growls from The Star Wars Holiday Special were used for a few of Tarfful's growls during Yoda's goodbye scene to him and Chewbacca. Additionally, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections shows Attichitcuk using one of the gun platforms during the Battle of Kashyyyk.
  • The sinkhole grottoes of Utapau resemble the pirate caves on Tarnoonga as seen in the Droids episode "The Pirates of Tarnoonga" and, to a lesser extent, the Great Well on Ophideraan, from the "The Serpent Masters" story arc of the Star Wars newspaper comic strip.
  • General Grievous's wheel bike is similar to Jann Tosh's vehicle in Droids.
  • Tsui Choi appears in the beginning of the Kashyyyk scene, riding a can-cell.
  • When Mace Windu and Yoda use a lightsaber blade to block Palpatine's Force lightning, this is possibly inspired by Luke Skywalker doing the same to Joruus C'baoth's lightning in the third novel of the Thrawn trilogy, The Last Command. This was visually depicted in the comic adaptation, from which George Lucas also chose to highlight some panels in the book containing his favorite comic artwork, Star Wars Art: Comics. Author Timothy Zahn has stated he believes that George took inspiration of this ability from this comic depiction for the film.

Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

The Outrider (upper left) taking off from Mos Eisley

The Outrider (upper left) taking off from Mos Eisley

  • The Outrider (and with it, YT-2400 light freighters generally) were added to a scene in the Special Edition. The craft can be seen from a distance lifting off from Mos Eisley. This ship was first designed by Jon Knoles and Doug Chiang for Shadows of the Empire, and after LucasArts started cooperating more thoroughly with Industrial Light and Magic, the latter were impressed with a high-resolution render Knoles had made of the Outrider for Shadows of the Empire. They chose to include the craft in the film, and in marketing material it also was highlighted as being the Outrider from Shadows of the Empire.
  • Another addition from Shadows of the Empire is the appearance of the Sentinel-class landing craft seen in the new dewback scene as well as above Mos Eisley. While looking through LucasArts' library of ship models, Industrial Light and Magic were impressed that the detail of LucasArts' render of the ship suprassed their own, so they included LucasArts version of the craft in the film.
  • Swoop bikes were a new addition to the film, and they were redesigned and added to Shadows of the Empire. In the Special Edition scenes added to A New Hope, a swoop bike scares a ronto.
  • ASP-series droid, had appeared in Shadows of the Empire.
  • The tractor beam characters were changed from English to Aurebesh for the 2004 DVD Edition. Of note is the fact that the Aurebesh had appared in original releases of the original trilogy (i.e. the clearance code screen for Tydirium in Return of the Jedi) is made up of nonsense characters. West End Games created a 'translation" to English letters for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game based on what had appeared onscreen. When using these newly assigned equivalents, most of the original trilogy Aurebesh remains unintelligible; however, in the prequel trilogy and a few remastered original trilogy examples, it has an actual meaning.

Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

  • Tibanna gas platforms were added to the Special Edition version of the film from a painting Ralph McQuarrie did in the 1990s, in coordination with Kevin J. Anderson, for The Illustrated Star Wars Universe. Other buildings of Cloud City, created for the Special Edition by Industrial Light and Magic, were also inspired by the paintings for the book. The Tibanna gas platforms in The Empire Strikes Back can be seen as Luke flies to Cloud City.
  • Boba Fett, who first appeared in the Holiday Special in 1978, plays a major role as the individual who finds the Millennium Falcon. However, the character of Fett was designed for The Empire Strikes Back but revealed to the public through the Holiday Special, much like with Grievous some twenty-six years later.
  • A similar title, The Empire Strikes, had been used for the December 1978 issue of the Marvel Star Wars series.

Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi

  • The Theelin, in the person of Rystáll Sant in the Special Edition. The Theelin had first appeared in Star Wars: Dark Empire.
  • Boba Fett's rope weapon and jetpack had originally appeared in the Holiday Special, albeit the weapons were designed for The Empire Strikes Back.
  • A beard was added to Crix Madine's costume when it was realized that Kenner was designing the toy with a beard.

Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens

  • Kylo Ren's name has a one-letter difference from Kybo Ren, a villain from Star Wars: Droids.
  • Kylo Ren is similar to Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus, a main character in many Legends novels. Like Kylo Ren, he was the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa and fell to the dark side of the Force.
  • After Kylo Ren's fall to the dark side of the Force, Luke goes into exile. In Legends, he was exiled too by Natasi Daala for Jacen's fall to the dark side in the novel Fate of the Jedi: Outcast.
  • Kylo Ren kills a family member, in his case his father, after his turn to the dark side. In Legends, Jacen killed his aunt Mara Jade Skywalker in the novel Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. In the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, the similarity is made explicit by the introduction of a Sithtrial of ascendancy that required sacrifice of a loved one, which Kylo Ren, unbeknownst to himself fulfilled. The trial was a part of the Prophecy of the Sith mentioned in the Lorrd Artifact in the novel Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines.
  • Kylo Ren's birth name is "Ben Solo" after Obi-Wan Kenobi. "Ben" was the name of the child of Luke Skywalker in Legends and was too named after Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • First Order Stormtroopers in Canon play a similar role to the Galactic Alliance Guard in Legends in that they serve as soldiers under the command of Kylo Ren/Darth Caedus.
  • Until this film introduced Captain Phasma, the only other female Stormtrooper was Jes Gistang, a character from the Legends continuity.
  • The term "Light" (for the Light Side) is mentioned.
  • Kylo Ren has a crossguard lightsaber as his weapon. A crossguard lightsaber first appeared in the comic book Republic 61.
  • Luke Skywalker also trained a new generation of Jedi in the Legends continuity, who particularly served as the main focus of the novel series Star Wars: The New Jedi Order. Unlike Legends, Luke's Jedi came to an end abruptly.
  • The New Republic was first introduced and created for the novel Heir to the Empire.
  • Han Solo mentions the Moof, which was first pictured in Star Wars: Republic: Vow of Justice.
  • The film's title was at one point considered to be Shadow of the Empire, likely as a reference to the Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire multimedia project, though it was ultimately dropped according to Pablo Hidalgo.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi

Solo: A Star Wars Story

  • Han Solo gets enrolled at the Academy of Carida where he gets criticized for conduct reports. In the Legends continuity, however, Solo graduated at the top of his class and wasn't kicked out.
  • Both LadyProxima and Tobias Beckett are similar to Garris Shrike, a main character in The Han Solo Trilogy, who served as Han Solo's mentor in the Legends continuity. Likewise, Qi'ra is similar to Bria Tharen, Han Solo's first love in Legends.
  • Qi'ra uses Teräs Käsi, a martial art that was introduced in the Legends continuity, most notably featured in Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi.
  • Han Solo releases Chewbacca from Imperial imprisonment, leading the Wookiee to swear a life debt.
  • Mimban, a planet that appears in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, shows up in the film.
  • Dryden Vos's study is filled with several artifacts with references to Legends stories, such as the Masthead of Xim the Despot as a reference to the cover of Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. Additionally, the Jewel of Yavin was initially intended to appear, but was dropped in production. Also, the Calrissian Chronicles trilogy is a reference to The Lando Calrissian Adventures book series.
  • L3-37, Lando Calrissian'sdroid companion, is similar to Vuffi Raa from The Lando Calrissian Adventures, who also served as the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon.
  • The Maw first appeared in Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy. In The Han Solo Trilogy, the Maw distorts space and time near Kessel, so the distance of the Kessel Run is shortened by flying close to it. The Falcon makes the shortcut while escaping from an Imperial customs ship.

Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
