
Kantiema was a river-port village on the planet Brentaal IV. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire maintained a presence in the village. Kantiema was completely destroyed when the Skakoan nationalist Jul Tambor bombed the village in an attempt to kill the Sith Lord Darth Vader.


Kantiema was a river-port village located on the planet Brentaal IV. It lay on a river that ran near several mountains. Sections of Kantiema were built over the water, including landing platforms for starships. By around 3 ABY, the village was abandoned and had an Imperial presence.


The bombing of Kantiema

The bombing of Kantiema

Between 3 and 4 ABY, during the Skakoan nationalist Jul Tambor's quest to kill the Sith Lord Darth Vader, the former Naboo Royal Handmaiden Sabé allied herself with Vader in a play to help the citizens of the planet Skako Minor, twelve of whom were refugees in Kantiema. After rescuing the refugees from the village, Sabé contacted Tambor and told him that Darth Vader was in Kantiema, also stating that the twelve Skakoan refugees were still located there as well. Although she warned Tambor not to attack, the Skakoan nonetheless bombed the village and completely destroyed it in an effort to eliminate Vader. He then victoriously proclaimed his indifference to the civilian casualties and declared that he would rule over the people Skako Minor as a Foreman. However, Sabé's entire maneuver had been a ploy to expose Tambor. In actuality, Kantiema had been completely abandoned besides a pair of KX-series security droids and an Imperial shuttle. Meanwhile, the refugees, upon hearing Tambor's words, turned on their would-be ruler.

Behind the scenes

Kantiema appeared in the thirty-second issue of the 2020 Star Wars: Darth Vader comic series, written by Greg Pak, illustrated by Ibraim Roberson and Federico Blee, and published by Marvel Comics on March 22, 2023.



