Horned gekko

A Horned gekko was a species of lizard native to the desert planet Tatooine. Capable of crawling inside a host being's body and creating hallucinations, the lizard was used by Tusken Raiders to guide individuals on spiritual journeys.

In 4 ABY, when the serving girl waitress burst into the kitchens of Jabba's palace to speak to her friend , she did so in such a breathless rush that Bedenn joked she must have had a horned gekko enter her nose. In response, Nai told Bedenn about how rich Jabba's current guests were.

Around 4 ABY, the chieftain of one tribe gave one such lizard to the former bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had earned the trust of the Tuskens.

Fett was assaulted by dreams of his past while wandering the Dune Sea, seeing visions of his youth on Kamino and his near-death within the sarlacc of the Great Pit of Carkoon. He eventually came across a Wortwood tree in the desert, from which he broke a branch to forge his own gaderffii stick. Upon returning to the tribe, the lizard exited Fett's nostril and returned to a small cage kept by the chieftain.

The horned gekko first appeared in the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett, a Disney+ television series. The episode was directed by Steph Green and aired on January 5, 2022.


In 4 ABY, when the serving girl waitress burst into the kitchens of Jabba's palace to speak to her friend , she did so in such a breathless rush that Bedenn joked she must have had a horned gekko enter her nose. In response, Nai told Bedenn about how rich Jabba's current guests were.

A horned gekko enters Boba Fett's body through his nose.

A horned gekko enters Boba Fett's body through his nose.

Around 4 ABY, the chieftain of one tribe gave one such lizard to the former bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had earned the trust of the Tuskens.

Fett was assaulted by dreams of his past while wandering the Dune Sea, seeing visions of his youth on Kamino and his near-death within the sarlacc of the Great Pit of Carkoon. He eventually came across a Wortwood tree in the desert, from which he broke a branch to forge his own gaderffii stick. Upon returning to the tribe, the lizard exited Fett's nostril and returned to a small cage kept by the chieftain.

Behind the scenes

The horned gekko first appeared in the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett, a Disney+ television series. The episode was directed by Steph Green and aired on January 5, 2022.


  • Star Wars 100 Objects
  • Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett Collector's Edition









