Galaxywide NewsNets

News agencies from which the newsfeeds are supposed to come include:

Each newsfile includes a line of code providing information about the source of the file. For instance, the article "Jatz Musician Roi Debuts New Slug" includes the code [37:8:14/GLR/J25L/GRC.4.ARC/ENT/T. Marelle]. The first part is the date, in year:month:day format, with the year zeroed against the Great ReSynchronization; in this case, day 14 of the eighth month of year 37 after the ReSynchronization. The second part of the code indicates the newsfeed - in this case, GLR for Galactic Resorts. The next part, J25L, involves information not clearly established at this point. Next is the location where the feed originated, including system, numerical position of planet in system, and city on that planet; thus, GRC.4.ARC indicates that the article originated in the city of Arcopola on the fourth planet of the Greccia system. Next is the general topic of the article, in this case, "ENT" for entertainment; other departments include "GEN" for general, "MIL" for military, "ECO" for economy, "TRD" for trade, and "POL" for politics. Last comes the name of the author; in this case, Tanda Marelle.

The newsfeeds include:

Star Wars Adventure Journal 3

  • "Jatz Musician Roi Deported from Rimma," TriNebulon News [35:1:22/TRI/95CE/RIM.3.REC/ENT]
  • "Imperial Forces Restore Peace to Gerrard V," Imperial HoloVision [35:2:13/IHV/G52E/GER.1.HMD/MIL]
  • "IthorianShamaok Flitters Rage of Lianna," Cynabar's InfoNet [35:2:19/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "Gladiator Droid Market Booming", Independent Traders' Infonet [35:2:17/ITI/TRD]
  • "Ralltiir Uprising Quelled", Galaxy News Service [35:3:3/GNS/92E/RAL.3.GRA/MIL]
  • "Imperial Senate Suspended", Coruscant Daily Newsfeed [35:3:5/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Alderaan Destroyed by Own Super Weapon", Imperial HoloVision [35:3:12/IHV/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Kira Run Opening up to Mainstream Trade", Herglic Trading Journal, Basic Edition [35:3:14/HER/G76R/LAZ.4.LAR/TRD]
  • "Ralltiir Blockade Impacting Sector Economy", Deena Mipps, Darpa SectorNet [35:4:2/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.CAR/ECO/D.Mipps]
  • "Tarkin, Staff Die in Tragic Shuttle Crash", Alendar Jarvis, New Order Progressive [35:4:22/NEO/G76D/COR.1.IPC/MIL/A.Jarvis]
  • "Lamuir IV Prepares for Priole Danna Festival," Tanda Marelle, Galactic Resorts [35:5:27/GLR/J25L/LAM.4.GRY/ENT/T.Marelle]
  • "Ralltiir Wide Open", Cynabar's InfoNet [35:6:16/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 4

  • "Rebel Omonda Faces Execution", Coruscant Daily NewsFeed [35:7:10/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Tombat Strikes during Priole Danna Festival," TriNebulon News [35:7:29/TRI/J24S/LAM.4.GRY/GEN]
  • "Chandrila Faces Uncertain Future", Cynabar's InfoNet [35:8:8/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "Alderaan Destroyed by Imperial Terror Weapon", Alderaan Expatriate Network [35:8:4/AEN]
  • "Has Anyone Seen Solo Lately?", Cynabar's InfoNet [35:9:27/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/GEN]
  • "Insect Plague Threatens Bethal's Future", Colonial News Nets [35:8:17/COL/BET.5.ALT/ECO]
  • "Navy Reports Super-Weapon Destroyed Alderaan", Imperial HoloVision [35:8:22/IHV/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Mothma, Organa Appear on Imperial Arrest List", Imperial HoloVision [35:9:1/IHV/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "TimoraSunpetals Make Great Gifts!", Wanda Windrow, Galactic Resorts [35:9:11/GLR/92R#/TIM.3.TAD/LIF/W.Windrow]
  • "Elite Commando Unit Formed at Emperor's Command", Imperial Defense Daily [35:9:24/IDD/RAD2/COR.1.IPC/MIL]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 5

  • "Anti-Empire Party Undermines Dentaal Government", TriNebulon News [35:10:9/TRI/NDR5/CLF.2.DEN/POL]
  • "ISO Announces Mid-Rim Tour", Imperial HoloVision [35:10:16/IHV/G76D/COR.1.IPC/CUL]
  • "Festival Public Executions Canceled: Officials Cite Security Concerns", Imperial HoloVision [35:10:24/IHV/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Fondor Closed to Civilian Traffic", Independent Traders' Infonet [35:10:22/ITI/TRD]
  • "Dentaal Declares Independence, Expels Governor" Imperial HoloVision [35:10:28/IHV/NDR6/CLF.2.DEN/POL]
  • "New Year Fete Week Launched in Imperial City," Coruscant Daily NewsFeed [36:F1:1/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/ENT]
  • "Bakura Annexed by Empire", Colonial News Nets [36:1:2/COL/TO4H/BAK.4.SAL/MIL]
  • "Neile Janna Returns to Adarlon for New Holo," Human Events Network [36:1:7/HEN/S4L5/BEL.4.ARA/ENT]
  • "Smugglers' Roster: Random Rumors", Cynabar's InfoNet [36:1:16/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "TIE/x2 Field Trials End: Features to Be Phased into New Design", Imperial Defense Daily [36:1:13/IDD/LXMD/LIA.4.LIM/MIL]
  • "Annual Regatta Held on Spira," Tanda Marelle, Galactic Resorts [36:1:21/GLR/KR31/SPI.3.ATR/ENT/T.Marelle]
  • "Arrival of Bakuran Governor Disrupted by Rioting", Galaxy News Service [36:1:30/GNS/TO7K/BAK.4.SAL/POL]
  • "Quakes on Kamori Sunder Cities: 'Living Treasure' Dies" Hypermedia Galactic News Service [36:2:4/HGN/TRX2/TAN.3.KAM]
  • "EsselianPresident Pressured to Step Down in Face of Failing Health", Deena Mipps, Darpa SectorNet [36:2:8/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.ALA/ECO/D.Mipps]
  • "Storm CommandoC.O. Disappears", Imperial Defense Daily [36:2:12/IDD/RAD2/COR.1.IPC/MIL]
  • "Norulac Pirates Latest Raid on Taanab Turns to Rout," TriNebulon News [36:2:17/TRI/H5YT/PAN.3.TAA/MIL]
  • "Plague Hits Dentaal; System Quarantined", Imperial HoloVision [36:2:23/IHV/NDR8/DEN/GEN]
  • "Dentaal Ravaged by Outbreak of Dentorian Plague," Galaxy News Service [36:2:25/GNS/NDGL/DEN/GEN]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 6

  • "Empire Smashes Batiiv Pirate Menace", TriNebulon News [36:3:5/TRI/H5YT/GRO.5.GRO/MIL]
  • "Imperial Advisor Calls Dentaal Plague Rebel Plot", Imperial HoloVision [36:3:22/IHV/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "New Probot Contracts Awarded", Darpa SectorNet [36:4:4/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.ALA/MIL]
  • "Esseles Welcomes Jatz Singer Roi to New Home", Janna Dixon, TriNebulon News [36:4:10/TRI/T1SE/ESS.3.ALA/ENT/J.Dixon]
  • "Empire Takes Over Mid-Rim's Droid Market", Nal Hutta Kal'tamok, Basic Edition [36:4:21/HUT/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "Tombat Raids Moff's Vault", Core News Digest [36:5:16/CND/A35G/TIN.4.VAL/GEN]
  • "JAN Terrorist Captured", Colonial News Nets [36:5:23/COL/ALB4/ELR.3.ELN/GEN]
  • "New Bormea Tariff Disrupts Chandrila Exports", Core News Digest [36:5:27/CND/CNK3/COR.3.CUR/ECO]
  • "Nereus Reaches New Accord with Bakuran Leadership", Colonial News Nets [36:5:30/COL/TO4H/BAK.4.SAL/MIL]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 7

  • "Organa Says Empire Destroyed Dentaal," Alderaan Expatriate Network [36:6:3/AEN]
  • "Imperial Forces Quell Amma Riot", Brak Sector News [36:6:7/BSN/BAC.2/AMM/POL]
  • "Amma Deception Revealed", Invisible NewsStack [36:6:7/BSN/HITCHED/AGAIN]
  • "Armistice Announced in CSA/Trianii War", Colonial News Nets [36:6:14/COL/H77N/TRI.2.KNA/MIL]
  • "Mid-Rim Experiencing RawMat Shortage", Cynabar's InfoNet [36:6:26/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "Gowix HQ Pulling out of Corellia," Corellia Times, Basic Edition [36:7:8/COT/ERB2/CLA.7.CRT/ECO]
  • "Cynabar's InfoNet Shutting Down", Cynabar's InfoNet [36:7:16/CYN/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "Empire Shows Flag at Nar Shaddaa," Galaxy News Service [36:7:17/GNS/HD3S/NAR.4.SHD/MIL]
  • "Emperor Appoints New Governor to Chandrila," Coruscant Daily NewsFeed [36:8:4/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 8

  • "Tariffs Lifted on Gladiator Walkers," Independent Traders' Infonet [36:8:7/ITI/TRD]
  • "Rebels on Esseles Shut Down Power, Darpa SectorNet [36:8:22/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.ALA/]
  • "Jante and Freda Feud Erupts", Imperial HoloVision [36:8:27/IHV/NER3/JTE.5.REY/GEN]
  • "Tigellinus' Star Rising in Imperial Court," Alendar Jarvis, New Order Progressive [36:9:4/NEO/G76D/COR.1.IPC/MIL/A.Jarvis]
  • "Tombat Sacks 'Secure' Resort," Colonial News Nets [36:9:15/COL/D3WW/ELS.4.ELS/POL
  • "Tombat Returns Gems — 'Unheard of!'", NovaNetwork [36:9:17/NOV/ENN3/ELS.4.ELS/POL]
  • "JAN Leader Executed after Extradition Fight", Colonial News Nets [36:10:5/COL/AF21/HAL.4.CAM/POL]
  • "Cynabar's True Identity Revealed!", Andor Javin, TriNebulon News [36:10:11/TRI/A64F/CAM.5.TRA/A.Javin]
  • "Rawmat Recession Threatens Ralle's Coalition", Deena Mipps, Darpa SectorNet [36:10:18/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.CAR/POL/D.Mipps]
  • "IOCI Assigns Investigator to Tombat Case", TriNebulon News [36:10:22/TRI/TR3E/KLA.3.DAN/ENT]
  • "New Year Fete Week Launched in Imperial City," Coruscant Daily NewsFeed [37:F1:1/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/ENT]
  • "New Order Captures Parliament Majority", Deena Mipps, Darpa SectorNet [37:F1:4/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.CAR/POL/D.Mipps]
  • "Rebels Strike Brak SectorCommNet," Brak Sector News [37:1:6/BSN/BAC.2.AMM/GEN]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 9

  • "Jante and Freda Feud Turns to War", Imperial HoloVision [37:1:4/IHV/NER3/JTE.5.REY/MIL]
  • "Performer Shocks Ball with Alien Dance," TriNebulon News [37:1:13/TRI/A12B/GAL.3.FEM/ENT]
  • "DynaCorp Refinery Blasted by Rebel Terrorists", Darpa SectorNet [37:1:29/DSN/T12R/ESS.3.HYT/POL]
  • "Ralle Urges Calm in Aftermath", Darpa SectorNet [37:1:30/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.CAM/POL]
  • "Alien Workers Reach Accord with Hall", Darpa SectorNet [37:2:3/DSN/T11R/ESS.3.CAM/POL]
  • "Graeber Cracks Rebel Spy Ring on Ralltiir," Galaxy News Service [37:2:11/GNS/923E/RAL.3.DEM/MIL]
  • "Taxes Rise in Outer Systems", TriNebulon News [37:2:21/TRI/H5YT/GRO.5.GRO/ECO]
  • "Customs Uncovers Rawmat Smuggling", Brentaal Trade News [37:2:23/BTN/D1K3/BRT.4.VOT/ECO]
  • "Rebels on Fremond III Surrender", Imperial HoloVision [37:3:2/IHV/NER3/FMD.3.CMA/GEN]
  • "Tigellinus Inducted into High Order," Coruscant Daily NewsFeed [37:3:14/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Saboteurs Hit Wroona Stardock", TriNebulon News [37:3:21/TRI/PR42/WRN.3.STD/MIL]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 10

  • "Cynabar's Back! Did You Miss Us?", Cynabar's InfoNet [37:3:26/CYN/COR.1.IPC/GEN]
  • "Airon Imperial Supply Lines Crippled by Alliance Strikes", A. Drax, HoloNet Free Republic [37:4:3/HFR/ALX4/ODN.5.IZZ/MIL/A.Drax]
  • "Imperial Crackdowns Make Kessel Run Even Riskier", Cynabar's InfoNet [37:4:11/CYN/COR.1.IPC/GEN]
  • "Rawmat Shortages Lead to Red Ships — Commanders Outraged", Imperial Defense Daily [37:4:19/IDD/NA4W/KUT.2.ITP/MIL]
  • "Spaaga Makes Stealthy Move into Corusca Stone Market", S. Moshuddaa, Nal Hutta Kal'tamok [37:4:28/HUT/NAR.4.SHD/TRD/S.Moshuddaa]
  • "Government Forces Eradicate Rebel Training Base", Imperial HoloVision [37:5:3/IHV/EN17/MOA.5.RIV/MIL]
  • "Alliance Refugee Camp Razed by Stormtroopers," Alderaan Expatriate Network [37:5:7/AEN]
  • "Prehistoric Sullustan Cave Art Prophesied Rise of Emperor!", A. Javin, TriNebulon News [37:5:15/TRI/SUL.3.SHU/GEN/A.Javin]
  • "New Mines Opening Means Big Business for Spacers", Independent Traders' Infonet [37:5:24/ITI/S7YM/LCP.7.RMC/ECO]
  • "Infamous Pirate Gang Fades from Sight in Outer Rim," Sektor 242 Newsline [37:6:8/242/KD88/SND.6.QUO/GEN]
  • "JAN Strike Leaves 4,000 Trapped Underwater", Colonial News Nets [37:6:20/COL/ALB.4.DRX/GEN]
  • "CMG Expelled from CSA Space", Corellian Sector Newsfeed [37:6:26/CSN/C1PR/CLA.7.CRT/POL]
  • "Slungerhounds Banned on Corulag," Core News Digest [37:6:30/CND/CNBA/COR.3.CUR/GEN]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 11

  • "Annual NewsNet Summary," Nal Hutta Kal'tamok [37:8:11/HUT/NAR.4.SHD/GEN/S. Moshudda]
  • "Jatz Musician Roi Debuts New Slug," Galactic Resorts [37:8:14/GLR/J25L/GRC.4.ARC/ENT/T. Marelle]
  • "Luxury Liner Lost With All Hands — Terrorist Sabotage," Galaxy News Service [37:9:2/GNS/SHAI/CAD.2.BLA/GEN]
  • "Thrawn Said to be Returning to Core," Cynabar's InfoNet [37:9:13/CYN/COR.1.IPC/GEN]
  • "Tombat Sacks Famed Collection of RimWhiphid Tycoon," TriNebulon News [37:9:21/TRI/4D57/GAM.4.DOK/GEN]
  • "BethalApocia Timber Industry Revived by Aggressive Replanting Program," Colonial News Nets [37:10:13/COL/NKL4/BET.5.ALT/ECO]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 12

Star Wars Adventure Journal 13

  • "Notables Absent from New Year Fete Week," Galaxy News Service [38:F1:1/GNS/XW23/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Empire Boards, Questions Free-Traders", Independent Traders' Infonet [38:1:9/ITI/CST1/SVA.CYC/TRD]
  • "Kooroo Shrine Mystery Uncovered", Andor Javin, TriNebulon News [38:1:15/TRI/25GV/BOZ.2.THOK/GEN/A.Javin]
  • "Imperial Advisor Golthan Leaves Court", Coruscant Daily Newsfeed [38:1:29/CDN/G76D/COR.1.IPC/POL]
  • "Galladinium Contraband Headed for Spirva Sector," Cynabar's InfoNet [38:1:34/CYN/COR.1.IPC/GEN]
  • "Brentaal Prepares for Kallea Cycle," Tanda Marelle, Galactic Resorts [38:2:7/GLR/G208/BRT.4.VOT/ENT/T.Marelle]
  • "Fellowship Files Bounty on Reporter", Sektor 242 NewsLine [38:2:9/242/3R4Y/QAL.3.FYR/REL]
  • "Tombat Strikes at Brentaal Banquet", TriNebulon News [38:/2:12TRI/V45T/BRT.4.VOT/GEN]
  • "Fanatics Prepare Pinacist Exodus", Brema News [38:3:18/BMA/Node/MLL.3.CDI/REL]
  • "Empire Destroys Syvris Shadowport", Nal Hutta Kal'tamok, Basic Edition [38:3:31/HUT/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]

Star Wars Adventure Journal 14

  • "Empire Called in to Stop Hreas Riots", TriNebulon News [38:4:7/TRI/16DE/SEC.4.HPC/MIL]
  • "No Report on Imperial Death Squadron," Nal Hutta Kal'tamok, Basic Edition [38:4:15/HUT/NAR.4.SHD/TRD]
  • "Brentaal Breaks Trade Records", Core News Digest [38:4:21/CND/CN5BR/BRT.4.CMD/BIS]
  • "Smuggler Activity Update", Cynabar's InfoNet [38:4:31/CYN/COR.1.IPC/GEN]
  • "ArakydProbots Enter Wide Service", Imperial Defense Daily [38:5:6/IDD/L23BS/BYB.2.CT133/MIL]
  • "Governor Maclain Under Investigation", Core News Digest [38:5:11/CND/CN5BR/BRT.4.CMD/POL]
  • "Calrissian Resurfaces as Baron Administrator," Cynabar's InfoNet [38:5:20/CYN/COR.1.IPC/GEN]
  • "Kallea Cycle Tours Core Worlds, Colonies," Human Events Network [38:5:25/HEN/43VB/BRT.4.VOT/ENT]
  • "Shipping Corporations Post Rising Profits", Herglic Trading Journal, Basic Edition [38:6:2/HER/ICH3/COR.1.IPC/ECO]
  • "Fleet Smashes Rebels on Hoth," Imperial HoloVision [38:6:9/IHV/I57N/COR.1.IPC/MIL]

The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook

  • "Mysterious Illness Destroys Colony", Imperial HoloVision [37:4:21/IHV/G492/COR.1.IPL/GEN]
  • "Supply Ship Crashes, Destroys Mining Camp", Imperial HoloVision [35:8:16/IHV/G7H4/PAN.3.TAA/GEN]
  • "Terrorist Rebels Raid G'rho," Imperial HoloVision [34:2:4/IHV/G2Q1/TIM.3.TAD/MIL]






























