Galaxy's Edge 5

Publisher's summary

A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD! KENDOH'S crew of mercenaries spring their heist to steal one of the rarest relics in the universe - the hilt of the fabled SWORD OF KHASHYUN from DOK-ONDAR'S DEN OF ANTIQUITIES. But with the FIRST ORDER tightening its grip on BLACK SPIRE OUTPOST and the notorious RED FURY STORMTROOPERS on their trail, can these master thieves survive long enough to collect their prize? And does Dok-Ondar have one last gambit to play?

Encounter with the First Order

Kendoh antagonized the stormtroopers.

Kendoh antagonized the stormtroopers.

Stormtroopers had interrupted the encounter between Dok-Ondar and Kendoh's Gang, the stormtrooper sergeant warned Dok-Ondar about the penalty for dealing with criminals like Kendoh Voss and her gang. He turned to her and identified her as the thief from the Bothan Museum heist. But Kendoh told him that the culprit of the heist was never found, Dok-Ondar then told her to stop antagonizing him to which the angered sergeant ordered his fellow trooper, RS-2112 to stun Wooro with a Z6 riot control baton. Kendoh threatened the sergeant if he killed Wooro, to which the sergeant reminded her who was in charge on Batuu. He told her that the First Order was on the verge of bringing peace to the galaxy after the corruption and chaos of the New Republic. Kendoh snapped back at him but the sergeant hit her with his blaster rifle causing her to bleed at the mouth. Dok-Ondar went over to Kendoh and told her to stop what she is planning to do for the Sword of Khashyun she would end up regretting the decision.

Stopping Doctor Aphra

Dok-Ondar left Doctor Aphra behind on Moraband.

Dok-Ondar left Doctor Aphra behind on Moraband.

Decades earlier, Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra accompanied by her droids, 0-0-0 and BT-1 went with Dok-Ondar and three Shistavanen on a mission to Moraband in order to collect the Sword of Khashyun. During the mission, Doctor Aphra attempted to betray Dok-Ondar but failed. Dok-Ondar felt that their relationship was done after that but Aphra insisted that things could still be worked out. But the Ithorian told her that the sword was in the notes of his late father and mother. But Doctor Aphra didn't care about Dok-Ondar's parents and drew the sword. BT-1 caused a distraction which made the last Shistavanen fall backwards before Doctor Aphra stabbed it with the sword. Dok-Ondar pulled a blaster on Doctor Aphra who blocked the shot with the sword but it caused her to fall back and separate the blade of the sword from its hilt. As Dok-Ondar tried to take the blade out of the ground the droids started to reboot back to life. Dok-Ondar took the hilt instead and left Moraband, leaving Doctor Aphra and her droids stranded behind.

Fooling Kendoh and her Gang

Kendoh used Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber to release Simpi.

Kendoh used Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber to release Simpi.

Back to the present, Dok-Ondar remorsed that he left the blade of the sword behind. The stormtrooper sergeant turned his attention to Kendoh and threatened to take her to the torture chamber aboard the Finalizer and answer to Kylo Ren. The sergeant questioned why she and her gang are there to which she told him that they are planned to do a heist and when the plan failed they have to improvise. She quickly grabbed the box with the blade of the sword in it and she began to sprint. When the stormtroopers started to shoot at her she grabbed the kyber statue from the planet Jedha and deflected the blaster bolts back to the stormtroopers. Dok-Ondar and Tohago hid behind BK-86 for protection and told him to initiate his defense protocols. Kendoh gave the box to Wooro and told him to make a run for it. He knocked out some stormtroopers with the box before continuing. Kendoh slid across a table and grabbed Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber, she ignited it and freed the Sarlacc Simpi from his container. Simpi launched itself at the stormtroopers and killed ZJ-7199. Kendoh made it out of Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities and got lost in the crowd. The sergeant ordered a perimeter to be set up and for search teams to find her.

Dok-Ondar holds the compete sword.

Dok-Ondar holds the compete sword.

Back at the antique shop Varg arrived in the form of Remex Io with the blade of the Sword of Khashyun. Dok-Ondar connected the blade and the hilt bringing the sword back in one piece. Varg was worried that Kendoh's Gang would come back but Dok-Ondar reassured him that he gave them an offer that they can't refuse. Back at Kendoh's ship, Remex confessed to have been impersonated by Varg. Their camera droid then played a recording of Dok-Ondar. Dok-Ondar told them that he was the one who hired them for the heist after heard that Doctor Aphra's half of the sword had resurfaced. Dok-Ondar put enough credits in the box that Kendoh took for them to escape from the First Order who knew their location. Kendoh and her gang took off in their ship as stormtroopers started to fire on them. Although she was mad she was set up she called it a victory to get out with their lives from this part of the galaxy's edge.





