Mission to Moraband (Dok-Ondar)

During or after 0 ABY, a mission was undertaken by Dok-Ondar and Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra to the ancient Sith homeworld of Moraband to recover the Sword of Khashyun. Dok-Ondar hired Aphra to join him after he learned that Aphra had an ancient map that led to the sword that she had stolen from the University of Bar'leth. With Aphra, her droid companions BT-1 and 0-0-0, and a group of Shistavanen companions for added muscle, Dok-Ondar traveled to Moraband in his . As Aphra led BT and a group of the Shistavanens inside the temple, they were attacked by a specter of a Sith warrior, who killed one of the Shistavanens before Aphra defeated it with a thermal detonator. Finding themselves at a fork, BT sent a reconnaissance drone down one path, but it was destroyed by a laser field. After making their way to the sword, they were attacked by a tuk'ata, which killed the remaining Shistavanen. However, Aphra tricked it into running into a booby trap, where it was killed by the laser field. When they returned to the ship, they found Dok-Ondar, who had disabled 0-0-0 with a electromagnetic pulse after he had tried to kill him, and the remaining Shistavanens. Dok-Ondar demanded the sword, but when Aphra proposed negotiating instead, a fight ensued. BT and Aphra killed the last Shistavanens before being defeated by Dok-Ondar. The sword fell and plunged into the ground, and as Dok-Ondar tried to free it, he noticed 0-0-0 rebooting. Salvaging what he could, he claimed half of the now broken sword and fled, leaving Aphra and her droid companions stranded with half of the sword.






