Atomically aerated cream

Atomically aerated cream was a type of cream used as an ingredient in several dessert dishes. These included a dish from the planet Bakura known as namana cream pie, which also included namana custard and was served for 3.7 credits a slice. Both double-scoop sundaes and Tibanna splits used the cream as a topping for ice cream, the former with the addition of a zherry on top and the latter with ettel nuts and Ecclessis figs as toppings. All three dishes were served at the eatery known as Dex's Diner on the planet Coruscant, until the diner's destruction during the first two years of the Galactic Empire's rule. The Besalisk chef and owner of the establishment, Dexter Jettster, enjoyed the taste of the dishes.

Atomically aerated cream was first mentioned in 2009 in the article "Dining at Dex's," which was written by Gregory Walker and released exclusively on the Hyperspace section of

Behind the scenes

Atomically aerated cream was first mentioned in 2009 in the article "Dining at Dex's," which was written by Gregory Walker and released exclusively on the Hyperspace section of

