Namana cream pie

A type of dessert, namana cream pie was made with namana custard, which was made from the fruit of the namana tree—a plant that was native to the planet Bakura. In one recipe, the namana custard used in the pie had a creamy consistency, and the Bakuran dessert was topped with atomically aerated cream.

Namana cream pie was served at Dex's Diner on the planet Coruscant prior to the eatery's destruction during the first two years of the Galactic Empire's reign. In the diner's menu, owner Dexter Jettster claimed that he used a genuine Bakuran recipe. The pie was sold at 3.7 credits a slice.

Namana cream pie was mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 Hyperspace article written by Gregory Walker in the form of an in-universe menu.

Behind the scenes

Namana cream pie was mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 Hyperspace article written by Gregory Walker in the form of an in-universe menu.

