Zenoc Quah

Zenoc Quah was a member of the Yuuzhan Vong shaper caste who lived during the Yuuzhan Vong War and in the aftermath of the death of Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, surviving well into the Sith–Imperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War. Quah helped to sabotage the Ossus Project.

Unlike many other Yuuzhan Vong, Zenoc Quah believed that surrender to the "Jeedai" and their allies was a betrayal. A self-declared "true Yuuzhan Vong," Quah escaped the dying Yuuzhan Vong fleet around Wayland to land on that planet and viewed the others who had left for Zonama Sekot as traitors and heretics. In 127 ABY, almost a century after the war ended, when Darth Maladi of the One Sith collaborated with Quah to sabotage the Ossus Project, preventing Yuuzhan Vong techniques from being used by the inhabitants of the galaxy. This act allowed the One Sith to engineer a war between the Galactic Alliance and the Fel Empire.

While the galaxy was torn apart by war, Quah remained on the Vongspawn-infested Wayland and continued to experiment on its native life on a laboratory once employed by the Ossus Project. By 137 ABY, the shaper was bioengineering a weapon intended to bring greater devastation to the galaxy at large. Quah collaborated with the Sith Lords Darth Maladi and Darth Nihl to trap Cade Skywalker and his companions.

After capturing Deliah Blue, Quah tormented her using the Embrace of Pain while Maladi implanted a malevolent Vongform onto Blue's back. Maladi sought to turn Skywalker into a weapon that the Dark Lord of the Sith could use to keep the other Sith in check.

When Jariah Syn arrived with Wolf Sazen and Fionah Ti, Maladi ordered Quah to release their experiments, defend the lab, and kill the intruders. In the ensuing fighting, Skywalker's companions subdued Quah's experimental Vongforms. After Quah refused Ti's order to surrender, Zenoc Syn used his amphistaff to kill Quah.

Unable to overcome Skywalker, Maladi fled after setting the remote detonation that destroyed the laboratory within minutes. With his companions safely evacuated, Skywalker succeeded in freeing Blue from the bioweapon that Quah and Maladi had implanted on her back by using the light side of the Force to heal her.


Unlike many other Yuuzhan Vong, Zenoc Quah believed that surrender to the "Jeedai" and their allies was a betrayal. A self-declared "true Yuuzhan Vong," Quah escaped the dying Yuuzhan Vong fleet around Wayland to land on that planet and viewed the others who had left for Zonama Sekot as traitors and heretics. In 127 ABY, almost a century after the war ended, when Darth Maladi of the One Sith collaborated with Quah to sabotage the Ossus Project, preventing Yuuzhan Vong techniques from being used by the inhabitants of the galaxy. This act allowed the One Sith to engineer a war between the Galactic Alliance and the Fel Empire.

Zenoc Quah is killed.

Zenoc Quah is killed.

While the galaxy was torn apart by war, Quah remained on the Vongspawn-infested Wayland and continued to experiment on its native life on a laboratory once employed by the Ossus Project. By 137 ABY, the shaper was bioengineering a weapon intended to bring greater devastation to the galaxy at large. Quah collaborated with the Sith Lords Darth Maladi and Darth Nihl to trap Cade Skywalker and his companions.

After capturing Deliah Blue, Quah tormented her using the Embrace of Pain while Maladi implanted a malevolent Vongform onto Blue's back. Maladi sought to turn Skywalker into a weapon that the Dark Lord of the Sith could use to keep the other Sith in check.

When Jariah Syn arrived with Wolf Sazen and Fionah Ti, Maladi ordered Quah to release their experiments, defend the lab, and kill the intruders. In the ensuing fighting, Skywalker's companions subdued Quah's experimental Vongforms. After Quah refused Ti's order to surrender, Zenoc Syn used his amphistaff to kill Quah.

Unable to overcome Skywalker, Maladi fled after setting the remote detonation that destroyed the laboratory within minutes. With his companions safely evacuated, Skywalker succeeded in freeing Blue from the bioweapon that Quah and Maladi had implanted on her back by using the light side of the Force to heal her.









