
WeeGee, nicknamed Weeg, was the Katarns' multi-purpose droid, hand-built by Morgan Katarn.


WeeGee was considered part of the Katarn family. Since Kyle was twelve, he started to maintain WeeGee himself, and knew all his circuits and servos. One time he saved young Kyle from drowning in a pool, and they agreed not to let his father know about it. However Kyle parted from WeeGee when he enrolled at the Imperial Academy in 5 BBY.

At some point around 1 BBY, he saw Morgan leaving for a trip, and returning changed from it. Soon after they hosted the Jedi Master Qu Rahn, who entrusted to Morgan a book, and his lightsaber for his son. Morgan hid it inside a compartment of the droid, for whenever his son would return there and play a certain encrypted holodisc. Following the Jedi's departure, WeeGee helped Morgan make work on the workshop's roof, installing tiles and engraving etchings on them; WeeGee didn't know that the patterns he so much appreciated artistically were actually a map to the Valley of the Jedi. After about a month of work, Morgan ordered the droid to cover the etchings with plaster; WeeGee never knew their significance and supposed that Morgan just didn't enjoy the designs.

During the Subjugation of Sulon later that year, the Ghost Battalion stormed into the Katarn family compound looking for Morgan, who, however was out. As Koyo and Santo opened the door to the workshop, WeeGee hurled a partially disassembled servo mechanism towards their leader. The commandos threw an Anti-Personnel Grenade, and Santo put a beam through WeeGee's speaker grill to mute him. WeeGee considered against further resistance, and silently transmitted an electronic warning to Morgan.

WeeGee giving Qu Rahn's lightsaber to Kyle.

WeeGee giving Qu Rahn's lightsaber to Kyle.

WeeGee remained out of commission and left dumped on the floor in the workshop, despite the house being ransacked several times. Some years later, in 5 ABY, Imperial forces returned to the region and removed the tiles from the workshop. Kyle managed to sneak into the house and find him covered in plasters. Clearing the droid from dirt and dents in his processor housing, and charged the reserve power supply, Kyle aligned two half slots and inserted an encrypted holodisc left by his father; WeeGee played back a message revealing the existence of the Map, which however had already been stolen. The holodisc also released the compartment containing the hidden lightsaber on the behalf of Kyle's father.

Right then, the droid was activated, and failed to recognise Kyle, as he thought the human was younger, still studying on Carida, and was ready to attack the stranger with a rock; Kyle ensured that it was him, ten years older than WeeGee remembered him, as he was out of circulation that long; the droid thought that he was reactivated in happier times, but after five minutes he was filled up in with new information, including the death of Morgan, and that Kyle had defected to the Rebels. WeeGee then revealed about Rahn's visit and the work on the ceiling.

Together WeeGee and Kyle snuck out from the homestead's kitchen, but misunderstanding Kyle's instructions, he instead exited by breaking through the door, splintering it. The two guards assigned there by the Imperial Remnant, were shocked at first, allowing Kyle some time to shoot them with his blaster.

WeeGee battles 8-13 in the tunnels beneath the farm.

WeeGee battles 8-13 in the tunnels beneath the farm.

WeeGee led him to the hatch leading to the maintainance tunnels of the irrigation tunnel, providing also lighting. Somewhere in the tunnel, past the main central shaft and on their way to the vehicle park, they were attacked by Hunter killer war droid 8-13; despite heavily armed, WeeGee wrestled with it in close combat; WeeGee's non-humanoid configuration and lack of organs were an advantage until eventually decapitating his adversary with his power grasper.

Soon after they reached the hatch under the vehicle park, and it happened that they were right beneath an old T-4 transport. WeeGee momentarily had a conflict in his programming, considering that Morgan would not approve of Kyle stealing a vehicle. Soon they were pursued by speeder bikes, and WeeGee had to activate the second set of controls to drive the transport over a bridge while Kyle was fending a band of Grave Tuskens following them.

WeeGee was unable to accelerate more and the vehicle was boarded. While Kyle was busy fighting the riders, he zoomed and noticed a roadblock set by the Imperials further ahead the bridge. Right then he saw an unknown ship above them. As told by Kyle, he set the speeder to auto, and rose towards the rear expecting for some "Jan" to pick them up. He took a superficial damage at the side of his housing, which was retaliated by Kyle. The ship continued to lower and started to extend a ramp. Immediately he grabbed Kyle from his and used his repulsors to lift both of them inside the ship. That was moments before the T-4 impacted the barricade resulting in an explosion that killed both Tuskens and Imperials.

WeeGee was still in the Crow when Jan came to take him from the roof of the Government House. WeeGee noticed a shuttle leaving just then, which Kyle understood it was his target, 8t88. Kyle asked where one would go to leave the planet, and the droid pointed out Fuel City as the nearest space port. After the ship dropped Kyle on station six of the Fuel City, the Crow departed according to orders, and WeeGee questioned Jan whether it was too dangerous for Kyle to be left by himself without support. Jan, who knew better how Kyle matured up, told him to get used to it. WeeGee remained with Jan as she returned to the Fuel City and was attacked by , but managed to extract Kyle, whom WeeGee congratulated.

WeeGee showing 8t88's map to Valley of the Jedi.

WeeGee showing 8t88's map to Valley of the Jedi.

The pair returned to vicinity of the Katarn farm, and WeeGee was lookout while they rested during the night. The next day they returned to the homestead, and found equipment with which they connected WeeGee with 8t88's severed head, and succesfully displayed a holomap, an electronic version of his father's Map. Even though Jerec had it already, the race to the Valley would continue.

WeeGee was taken by the pair back to the New Hope in the Milagro system where they were engaged in a battle and planned their next moves concerning Jerec and the Valley. WeeGee joined the strike force that utilized the captured transport High Hauler all the way to Ruusan, in Jerec's blockade. WeeGee was in the Moldy Crow when it was secretly dropped by the Hauler above Ruusan's atmosphere; as it flew among the clouds, WeeGee commented that the planet was very different from Sulon.

The team eventually reached an ancient temple which was the hideout of the planet's colonists. WeeGee remained in the Crow to guard it while Kyle and Jan talked with them. A few days later the team travelled to a canyon near the Valley of the Jedi, and Kyle insisted that they had to climb a mountain and WeeGee could not come with them, so he remained onboard. As it turned out, Jerec was aware of their arrival and his men captured Jan and the Crow. WeeGee was locked in a storage compartment, and the ship was docked with Jerec's ship, the Sulon Star. Katarn however managed to reach the ship and heard Weeg's beeps. Things didn't go well because as Kyle eventually activated and released the ship and gained some distance from the crashing freighter, he couldn't gain height and the Crow crashed.

WeeGee with Kyle and Jan in the Valley.

WeeGee with Kyle and Jan in the Valley.

The two survived the crash, but Kyle never had the time to release WeeGee, or even think about him, as he was pulled out by Jerec's remaining servants to execute him. Kyle fought his way and reached the core of the Valley of the Jedi where he rescued Jan and confronted Jerec. In the meantime WeeGee also managed to escape the wreckage and followed Kyle's traces without him noticing. It was only after the death of Jerec when WeeGee approached Kyle. He and Jan stood near the self-taught Jedi as he created a monument to his father and Rahn.

WeeGee happily joined a maintenance team servicing the New Republic Defense Fleet.


His extremely mild manners and lack of weapons were compensated by his heavy duty equipment and programming to protect Kyle Katarn and their estate at all costs. Probably not having been exposed to any memory wipes, the droid had developed a personality of its own.

He seemed to care about Kyle's moral upbringing and decisions, to the point that when Kyle considered stealing an Imperial vehicle for their escape, WeeGee brought up his father, apparently pointing out that he wouldn't approve.

WeeGee was familiar with the controls of combine and other farming equipment, which allowed him to pilot a T-4.


Weeg could rotate parts of his body in various configurations although commonly he took the shape of an inverted "U or V". He was equipped with an extremely powerful, four-jointed heavy-duty arm that ended with a C-shaped grasping appendage. It was three times stronger than the left arm, which had a Human-shaped hand designed for using tools and other manipulations.

WeeGee hovered two meters off the ground using a noisy repulsorlift from an Imperial speeder bike and steering jets from a probe droid. On top of the drive assembly was a vertical sensor stack that contained WeeGee's oval-shaped optical lens. He was equipped with Floodlights that illuminated a distance of about seventeen Imperial standard meters. WeeGee wore a tool belt around his "waist".

WeeGee communicated via beeps and whistles like a standard astromech-unit, which Kyle Katarn could understand, but also had a vocabulator which allowed him to speak in Basic; however when switched on, it drained some power from his servos.

Behind the scenes

WeeGee was created for the video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and appears in the cutscenes advancing the storyline. He also appears as as an in-game model, and it is possible to attack and destroy him by dealing sufficient damage, although the droid can withstand a lot. WeeGee explodes, instantly killing the player if he is close enough, and Qu Rahn says, "For you the choice is the dark side." The player also shifts closer to the dark side by about a twentieth of the morality scale meter. However, the player can be redeemed by choosing light side powers and avoiding civilian casualties. This is obviously non-canon, since WeeGee is shown later in the game and in other works.

WeeGee then appears in Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, taking place several years earlier, and then in Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, being the novelization of the game. The novella doesn't explain how WeeGee is reactivated, but the audio adaptation has Kyle charging up his reserve power. Both in the game and the novelization he speaks in binary, but in the novelization he beeps and whistles and some of his words are "translated" for the reader, as understood by Kyle Katarn. On the other hand, the audio adaptation mentions that WeeGee possesses a vocabulator, which Kyle activates, so that WeeGee's words can be heard and understood. In the audio, his voice is provided by Cliff Rakerd.

In the novella, Katarn has to power up the T-4 and lift it up so that WeeGee can leave the hatch underneath; in the dramatization, he points out that he can leave thanks to his configuration, and boards the T-4 with Kyle.

After Kyle reunites with WeeGee, the game and the Rebel Agent novella/audio drama diverge greatly: the article follows the Rebel Agent version, where Kyle does not have the heart to leave the droid behind, because he considers WeeGee to be the only family he has left, and decides to bring him along and they organize together their escape; he then leaves him in Jan's custody. In the game, Kyle leaves WeeGee behind and escapes the house alone; instead of the underground tunnels and the vehicle chase, Kyle follows raised aqueducts/water bridges and battles creatures such as mailocs before reaching Jan. It seems however that they later retrieve the droid, as WeeGee appears again when Kyle and Jan use him to decipher the data in 8t88's head. He also shows up in the end of the game, in the Valley of the Jedi, after Jerec's defeat.


  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


















