Walex Cantwell Blissex I

Blissex had a daughter, Lira Wessex, who was a ship designer in her own right. Prior to the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Blissex joined members of Alliance High Command and other personnel aboard the Alliance flagship Home One for the briefing detailing their plans to destroy the Empire's DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, a planet-destroying superweapon.

Early works

Walex Blissex designed the V-wing starfighter (pictured), which was deployed by 19 BBY.

Walex Blissex designed the V-wing starfighter (pictured), which was deployed by 19 BBY.

Walex Cantwell Blissex I operated in the Republic Era, during which he designed the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, which entered service by 42 BBY. The renowned Blissex went on to design another model of the Delta-series; the Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter. The latter was used by the Galactic Republic's starfighter forces during the Clone Wars, seeing use by 19 BBY.

When designing the V-wing, Blissex used his knowledge of the special modifications that Jedi Generals Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, and Anakin Skywalker made to their own Delta-7 starfighters and complemented them with his own new ideas. The designer understood that Delta-7s flown by the Jedi frequently left their V-19 Torrent starfighter squadrons behind due to their advanced speed. As such, he sought to resolve the issue and oversaw the creation of contemporary computer flight systems based on complicated tactical flight routines installed in V-wings. This modification allowed the clone pilots flying the V-wings to finally keep up with their Jedi leaders. The V-wing had other variants, including the Alpha-3B "Besh" and Alpha-3E "Esk". Additionally, Blissex designed and conceived the Gladiator I Star Destroyer as a Star Destroyer escort to be used in heavy battle lines during the Clone Wars, and to serve in multiple roles such as bombardment, patrol, siege, and attack ships. Blissex also designed other powerful destroyers of the Republic. He eventually had a daughter, Lira Wessex, who became a ship designer herself.

Imperial Era

Alliance officer Walex Blissex, looking over the A-wing's design

Alliance officer Walex Blissex, looking over the A-wing's design

With the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire, Blissex's V-wing design continued to see service in the Imperial Military. The foundation for the Empire's new TIE/ln space superiority starfighter could be traced to the Blissex's V-wing and other Republic craft. The Empire's Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser, which was active by 13 BBY, was named for Blissex. Blissex also designed the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, a starfighter based off the R-22 Spearhead which was rejected by the Galactic Empire but used by the rebel Phoenix Cell by 4 BBY. The RZ-1 was pressed into wider service with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Although it did not witness action during the Clone Wars, Blissex's Gladiator I design was also used by the Empire, which had repurposed its role to that of a patrol craft, with it in use by the time between 2 BBY and 4 ABY.

By 4 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War, Blissex served as an officer of the Rebel Alliance and joined members of Alliance High Command and other personnel aboard the Alliance flagship Home One to set forth the Alliance plan of attack against the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, a planet-destroying superweapon. Blissex spoke with several Alliance personnel prior to the briefing and stood behind Chief of State Mon Mothma, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and General Crix Madine as they delivered their presentation. The Rebel Alliance emerged victorious at the subsequent Battle of Endor. At one point as an Alliance officer, Blissex observed the designs of the RZ-1. In contrast, Blissex's daughter, Lira, had served the Galactic Empire. Blissex and Wessex shared their names with the "Blissex-head" and "Wessex-head" bit-drivers, respectively.

Personality and traits

Walex Blissex was a human with fair skin, dark eyes, and graying fair hair.

Skills and abilities

Blissex was a highly renowned engineer and starship designer, capable of recognizing design issues with starfighters and overseeing complex computer technology. Blissex was knowledgeable in designing starfighter craft as well as larger ships such as the Gladiator I Star Destroyer.


Blissex donned an Alliance officer military uniform, which included a blue collared shirt with pins, worn under a beige military tunic. Blissex also wore a brown utility belt and black boots.

Behind the scenes

The character of Walex Blissex (far right) first appeared in the rebel briefing scene in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which was released in 1983.

The character of Walex Blissex (far right) first appeared in the rebel briefing scene in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which was released in 1983.

Walex Cantwell Blissex I debuted in the final film of the original trilogy, 1983's Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, portrayed by an uncredited actor. Blissex was subsequently identified in the current Star Wars canon in the twenty-fifth issue of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, which was released around June 24, 2015. The 2023 reference book Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide by Pablo Hidalgo and Emily Shkoukani further expanded Blissex's name to Walex Cantwell Blissex I, sharing the name of famed Star Wars concept artist Colin Cantwell. The Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser was named after Colin Cantwell, which in Star Wars canon is named after Blissex.

Blissex originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where he was first mentioned in The Star Wars Sourcebook authored by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith and published in 1987 by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2000 Death Star II Limited set in the Star Wars Customizable Card Game later retconned Blissex as one of the officers appearing in Return of the Jedi.

Filming of the rebel briefing scene, where Blissex appeared in, took place in February 1982.

Filming of the rebel briefing scene, where Blissex appeared in, took place in February 1982.

The shooting of scene fifty-four—the large rebel briefing in which Blissex's character appeared—was filmed on the INT. HEADQUARTERS — MAIN BRIEFING ROOM set located on Stage 5 at Elstree Studios between Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15, 1982. The scene included the principal characters, including Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, and General Madine, and the call sheet listed seventy-three other characters. Among these, seven "Rebel Generals" were included. For the scene's filming, extras that were already established as Imperials were given masks to wear, and the extras in the filming of scene fifty-four were mostly actors who David Tomblin, first assistant director, had previously relied on.






