Saesee Tiin's Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor


Tiin pilots his Delta-7B interceptor at the Battle of Lola Sayu.

Tiin pilots his Delta-7B interceptor at the Battle of Lola Sayu.

Around 21 BBY, Saesee Tiin piloted his Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor during a mission to extract a group of Republic prisoners and the team sent to rescue them after they escaped from the Separatist prison known as the Citadel on the planet Lola Sayu. Together with Adi Gallia and Kit Fisto in their respective interceptors, the three Jedi escorted one of Plo Koon's gunships to the planet's surface to help in the extraction of the prisoners. Tiin, with Gallia and Fisto, provided cover fire for Plo Koon while he successfully extracted the prisoners on his gunship.




