
Verzan was an airless planet located in the Deep Core's Cerberon system. It served as a garrison world of the Galactic Empire, but was bombarded by the New Republic during its campaign to capture the system, obliterating much of Verzan's surface.

Following the New Republic bombardment, the pirate Edineezious Winker set up the establishment Winker's in Verzan's ruins. A number of the establishment's visitors were stranded on Verzan, unable to afford fuel or access hyperspace travel. The New Republic pilot Chass na Chadic visited Verzan to drink at Winker's during the campaign, but left after two patrons attempted to scam her of her starfighter.


A terrestrial rocky planet, Verzan was too small to retain an atmosphere. Verzan was located on the outer fringes of the Cerberon system of the Deep Core, orbiting the black hole known as the Cerberon singularity. As a result of the Cerberon singularity's gravitational force, Verzan's orbit meant that it would fall into the black hole thousands of years after the time of the Imperial Era.


The Galactic Empire controlled the Cerberon system during its reign, with Verzan serving as an Imperial garrison world. In around 5 ABY, following the Imperial defeat at the Battle of Endor, the New Republic launched a campaign to capture the Cerberon system, undertaken by the battle group of General Hera Syndulla. Verzan was the first world to be struck, with the planet falling under fire from the Acclamator-class battleship Lodestar and the proton bombs of Alphabet Squadron. Much of Verzan's surface was obliterated in the bombardment.

In the aftermath of the destruction of the Imperial presence on Verzan, the entrepreneurial pirate Edineezious Winker rapidly constructed an establishment known as Winker's in the garrison-world's ruins. The New Republic pilot Chass na Chadic, a member of Alphabet Squadron, visited Winker's in order to drink, wishing not to think of the time after her squadron's ongoing mission was over. While there, Chadic gambled with two other patrons, a Kel Dor and a Vurk. Having been stranded on Verzan for some time, the two attempted to scam Chadic of her B-wing starfighter, but Chadic was sober enough to not fall for the trick. The Vurk threw Chadic into the crowd when the pilot attempted to defend herself, but she was rescued by Gruyver, a member of the Children of the Empty Sun cult. After Chadic discovered that her rescuer was a cult member, she punched him in the throat and departed Verzan in her starfighter. The New Republic eventually succeeded in capturing the other worlds of Cerberon, securing the system.


While the Galactic Empire occupied the Cerberon system, Verzan served as a garrison world. After the bombardment of Verzan and the establishment of Winker's, its population consisted of a permanent staff of two dozen, who could serve over a hundred visitors. Many of the visitors to Verzan were stranded due to low fuel supply and a lack of access to hyperspace travel.


Following the New Republic attack on Verzan, Winker's—a cantina, gambling den, trading post, and fuel stop—was established in the ruins. The establishment was surrounded by a magnetic field and had a landing pad outside on a cracked-glass field.

Behind the scenes

Verzan appeared in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed.






