Vederiat Ayon


A Twi'lek female, Ayon was one of many Pilgrims who followed Matriarch Kolovish to the planet Tython in the aftermath of the Great Galactic War. Assisting in the establishment of Kalikori village, Ayon was named the among the pilgrims and served as a healer and spiritual leader. As incursions by the native and hostile Flesh Raiders became more frequent, Ayon came to believe that a rumored elixir was indeed making the natives more aggressive. Unable to go herself, Ayon hired a visiting Padawan to destroy the elixir in hopes it would put an end to the raids. This Padawan was then asked by Odumis Mer to keep the elixir in hopes that it could be used by the pilgrims to protect from further attacks.

Behind the scenes

Vederiat appears in the mission known as "Strength of the Flesh Raiders" in the 2011 BioWare game, Star Wars: The Old Republic.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide



