Vaxvissh Kal Ness

Vaxvissh Kal Ness was the planetary governor of the Mid Rim planet Durkteel during the reign of the New Republic. When an excavation to clear ground for a new comm tower on Durkteel in 34 ABY uncovered a buried chamber containing relics from the Galactic Civil War, the bomb squad that was sent to investigate the chamber uncovered an armored case bearing identifiers of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The case contained The Rebel Files, a set of non-electronic documents detailing the history of the Alliance and intended only for the eyes of senior members of Alliance High Command. The squad sent the case to the governor, who passed it on to Major Heck Ensio, who in turn forwarded it to Master Archivist Mordianius. Mordianius passed it to Commander Korr Sella of the Resistance, who finally sent it to General Leia Organa, head of the Resistance and former member of Alliance High Command.

Vaxvissh Kal Ness was first mentioned in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, which was written by Daniel Wallace.

Behind the scenes

Vaxvissh Kal Ness was first mentioned in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, which was written by Daniel Wallace.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files
