Talk: ChristopherLeeGallant

Now that that formality is out of the way, I would refer you to Brandon Rhea, our Wikia community manager. He may have the answers you are looking for. On a personal note, I appreciate the efforts you are taking to keep things civil in the Discussion forum. - AV-6R7 20:52, April 5, 2016 (UTC)

I'm not sure if you will see this or if I have to post this on your talk page...

I'm at a lost here. Things have gotten out of hand once again. I'm going to link multiple threads. Please read them all and notice the time stamps.

I personally don't think these need or should be deleted. It's obvious that there is a ton of misinformation being spread around. In the end, I would hope that all can see the history of this discussion.

Do you think that I should have handled it any differently? I'm open to any criticism or suggestions.

Should someone with Admin Powers post something to put all this bickering to rest?

I'm coming to you specifically because you have been the only one from what I've seen who has posted in those forums in a long time. I'm not sure if I should post this on the Administrators' noticeboard or not. I'm not sure if this is something that I should bring up with Brandon Rhea or not. The only times I have gone this route is to get the very extreme trolls dealt with. I simply don't know if this requires that kind of attention. Like many others, I have been using the 'report' feature in the app. If that is the proper thing to only do in this specific situation, I apologize for going this route.

Anyhow, here are the links...

Again, thank you for the help.

--ChristopherLeeGallant () 10:33, April 12, 2016 (UTC)

Hey. I sent you an email to the address that's in your Wikia account. It was in regards to the Star Wars Discussions forum. Did you get that email? - Brandon Rhea 22:14, May 1, 2016 (UTC)

If you are referring to the one where you suggested that I post on the Admin Boards, yes I did. And that's what I did today in regards to the three users that I posted about on the Admin Boards.

Am I misunderstanding something? Should I have gone about this in a different way?

--ChristopherLeeGallant () 22:27, May 1, 2016 (UTC)

Absolutely Brandon. Does a page exists where the rules and expectations of moderation from a non-admin exist? I would prefer to have my actions be reflected by an 'official' documentation. If my actions are seen as fair or unfair, I think it would benefit everyone if the users have documentation to refer to.

Also, I access the discussion forums via website browser and via my android cellphone (which has the client from December as i prefer a dark them when reading late at night in bed). I occasionally have access to my partner's ipad with the latest client. To go about being a mod, would I have to use a specific client?

And lastly, thank you. I really appreciate the added responsibility. I look forward to helping as best as I can. --ChristopherLeeGallant () 19:43, May 2, 2016 (UTC)

Hi. first I would like to congratulate you on become a moderator! second I would like to inform you that I have posted a thread in the general discussion ultimately leading them to your and Brandon Rhea's talk page.

here is the link if you would like to view it. If this is the wrong way to go about this, please let me know. If the thread is to be deleted I will not be offended. I do know there is an admin page that the users of the wiki may go to however I didn't think that page needed to be filled with complaints that could be left somewhere else.DarthJaxon (talk) 10:47, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

--ChristopherLeeGallant () 15:38, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

Thank you for the respons. I appreciate the insight. I just thought that contacting you here would be an easier way, than going to your 'ask a mod thread.' I figured that you didn't really want me sharing the admin page with everyone. I hope that is understandable, the general population of the wiki doesn't really have much of a purpose to be using that part of the forum. It should only be used in certain situations. If I need to contact you further I will do so in the 'ask a mod thread.' Thank you for your time! -DarthJaxon (talk) 18:44, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

That seems to be our ultimate goal here, doesn't it; it's what the admins want, its what I want, and its what you, presumably, want. It's a good idea; Captain Britian made an edit today, and while it was rough around the edges, it was a step in the right direction. I am in full support of this concept and I advise you to reach out to our admin about this; they are among our most experienced editors and, who knows, they may participate directly. - AV-6R7 02:00, August 24, 2016 (UTC) - AV-6R7 18:11, September 1, 2016 (UTC)

Hey Christopher. I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for Wookieepedian of the Month. You can see that nomination here. (I might suggest creating a user page now too. =P) Good luck! - Brandon Rhea 15:11, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

I'd start with pasting Template:User infobox onto your page; then fill out the fields. I build my page through trial and error, so it might be helpful to check the coding of my page and start experiment. - AV-6R7 19:43, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

Hello! Now my latest post, was about the possibility of the Rebels from Rogue One, being the knights of Ren, now I dont understand the problem of my post, so why did you delete it? CosmicChronos loves ABBA | Sweden, the land of Meatballs 18:27, December 24, 2016 (UTC)

Hey just wanted to inquire about my post and ask why it was deleted. It was in top discussions, I refreshed and it was gone. I did read the policies and I don't think I broke any. Was just wondering that's all. MYSTiiCAL

Yeah, I checked it out earlier. You sure do get around, don't you? - AV-6R7 21:52, January 17, 2017 (UTC)

This is a good discussion to have; it may be wise to start deviating from the standard Wookieepedia guidelines in some areas. - AV-6R7 06:25, January 20, 2017 (UTC)

Request for deletion: Hi Supreme Emperor, I recently created the page "SD-48 Survival Backpack". I admit I was getting nowhere as far as editing goes, and I put it up as a page for deletion. Could you please take a look and hopefully delete it for me?

--YourAnons (talk) 04:01, January 22, 2017 (UTC)

What was this ever going to be for?

RevanReborn1121 (talk) 03:18, February 8, 2017 (UTC)

When will you reload my posts? You said you would do it a while ago.

No rush though...I know that you are busy. :) RevanReborn1121 (talk) 01:16, February 16, 2017 (UTC)

Now that I think about it, I have been seeing them. Thanks for all the hard work! RevanReborn1121 (talk) 22:24, February 16, 2017 (UTC)

The "Ask a mod a question" page is not the link just not working for me? Immortal Emperor (talk) 00:19, April 4, 2017 (UTC)

I am trying to add 'objective' sources for darth maul page,

I've seen that obi-wan's quote saying that maul is nothing in the first premeire quote in the darth maul wikia page, which is hilarious when you consider that the only character is getting discredit in his first quote is darth maul in this wikia...

and then he did undo all the powers and abilities section without editing and providing any reasons , this guy is obviously hate maul and trying to make fun of him ;

I am just trying to add proper sources and informations to make this better.

now what anil did ;

-adding obi-wan quote in the first quote section of the darth maul

I mean would you like to see Maul saying 'a rat in the desert' for obi-wan in the first quote of the page ? it would be stupid and hilarious...

-deleting powers and abilities section and adding the only negative informations on maul page

this is not helping to the page at all...

I mean this anil guy is obviously hates maul and he gave no proper reasons or edits to make this right.

--Marco1001 () 06:32, April 7, 2017 (UTC)

Please do not remove messages from talk pages, including your own. All messages are part of the public record and must remain visible. If you do not want a message to remain on your talk page, you may archive it on a subpage of this page provided that a link to the archive page is placed at the top of this page. Thank you for your cooperation.--Exiled Jedi (talk) 17:07, April 8, 2017 (UTC)

How come a bunch of my posts were deleted from ?

Immortal Emperor (talk) 22:19, April 19, 2017 (UTC)

Hey, this is Nuka-Jam I'm pretty new to this Wikia, but am an active member on several others. So, about 10 minutes ago, I posted something that followed all of your guidelines. It wasn't a versus, spam, or trolling. It was simply a lore question. And for some reason, a moderator deleted it. Its no big deal, but could I get some info so I don't make the same 'Mistake'? Nuka Jam () 02:45, April 22, 2017 (UTC)Nuka-Jam

Hello, Okay, let's start fresh. I'm nuka jam. I've been an avid star wars fan ever since I saw "A new hope" when I was 5. I am very interested in the lore and story of star wars. I understand that you are a well respected moderator, and I thank you for contributing to the wiki. What I'm here to ask is; why do you keep deleting my posts? I mean, com'mon man. Just because I'm new to your wiki doesn't mean my ideas and opinions don't matter. The least you could do is help me understand why you delete my posts. They all follow the discussion guidelines. However, one of my posts was a wiki guidelines question, which I now understand shouldn't have been posted there. Based on other peoples questions, you do this a lot on this wiki.

Nuka Jam () 21:50, May 21, 2017 (UTC)Nuka Jam

This is from Jeremiah Barclay. How come my discussion posts keep getting deleted? I don't believe I have said anything offensive all I have done is talk about Star Wars topics but for some reason they keep getting deleted. I don't know if you are doing this or someone else is but it is very annoying as I have not done anything. Please help as I do not know. Thanks Jeremiah Barclay

Christopher,glad to see you. I am L12345566997 ,but I changed my username to Edgar O f Star Wars.Weren't you also on the Battlefront wiki.I changed my username because I ... let's say I ran into trouble with Commander Awesome on the Battlefront wiki,but that is the past.So I came to ask if you could help me on the new article I made Supreme Commander (Empire) ?I would be very thankfull to you.Have a nice day.

Hello, the customer support team suggested I contact you directly to discuss a topic I created that you deleted. I was hoping for a discussion of the topic but it was deleted.

Please could you let me know why, I have never posted before and the front page of the app is quite happy to tell me to start a discussion right off the bat.

Understood. I'll stay off those threads going forward. Shayn Mikel (talk) 23:32, July 26, 2017 (UTC)

Hello, ChristopherLeeGallant. I'm posting this here, first, for the record, since this is inevitably going to turn into a larger discussion, and people will likely need to look at this for reference. You recently issued a permanent ban to Elite Star Wars Fan for what I'm assuming is some misbehavior on Discussions. For the record, for those reading this, Wikia's technical limitations mean that blocks cannot independently be issued on either the wiki or Discussions; if someone is blocked on Discussions, they are automatically blocked on the wiki, and vice versa. The problem is, I had a very long discussion with Brandon Rhea about this back in April, and I explained to him, and he agreed, that granting Discussion moderators blocking power on the wiki would need to go through wiki community approval. I don't know what happened since then, but I have had no further discussion with anyone from Wikia about this, and I see no indication that any such community discussion or approval took place, which means you don't have the authority to issue Wookieepedia blocks, even if Wikia apparently technically granted you this power. We're going to need to resolve this situation, but in the meantime, I would recommend you not issue any further blocks in the absence of community approval, which would effectively be a violation of the [[Wookieepedia:Site feature policy|Site feature policy]]. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 04:26, September 9, 2017 (UTC)

Can you help me? I can't find my discussion. FinnMeertens () 15:52, October 15, 2017 (UTC) FinnMeertens

Why? I'm just curious. That's all. Trailblazer101 03:03, October 18, 2017 (UTC)

I'm pleased and honored that you want me as a moderator. I'm also not surprised in the slightest that you've already reached out to Blinks; he's a good choice. I am on twitter, but I use it so seldom that I never bother to check. I literally only created it to ask the Lucasfilm Storygroup questions. I will, however, pay more attention to it now. My Twitter handle is @Wookieewok_ . Feel free to contact me when it suits you. Thank you kindly for reaching out to me and giving me this opportunity! --- Wookieewok (talk) 02:27, October 21, 2017 (UTC)

Hi CLG it's Ace Andron.

There seem to be these scammers on the discuss page who have posted tons of things that have nothing to do with Star Wars or are too inappropriate. Do think you could block them or delete these posts.


Ace Andron

Hi CLG, please make sure to include a mention of "Discussions" in your block reasons. Seeing someone ban a user without any contributions on the wiki might be a bit confusing. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 11:05, December 15, 2017 (UTC)

Hey CLG, just to reiterate ecks' point in the above message, please leave a note in the block summary stating it is for discussions, for the record. Thanks, Supreme Emperor (talk) 16:11, December 15, 2017 (UTC)

G’day. All of my posts are being deleted. Can please get a reasonable answer why and how I can fix this problem.

Weedle is correct in saying that the Clone Wars is considered part of both canon and Legends and so that article is correct as it is. If someone is interested in seeing a canon page for this trooper then they should be bold and create [[Unidentified clone trooper (Negotiator)/Canon]], although it is important to note that they shouldn't just copy and paste the Legends article as that will result in it being deleted. Ayrehead02 (talk) 08:42, March 15, 2018 (UTC)

Hello, you already know me. Any way can you upload that image on the DD-bd droid also why is this happening, I just added a text box to dd-bd page and i saved it and it said that it somehow did not work and it happens all the time. Bongofett (talk) 05:45, June 11, 2018 (UTC)

This guy has spammed me 2 times and I believe it will happen again. He has wrote “” and at first i though it was a joke but I don’t think a spammer should be allowed and I have seen him or her get removed a few times, can you ban them. Here’s there account Bongofett (talk) 06:38, June 11, 2018 (UTC)

Why have you deleted my posts on a discussion for no reason, you really hate me, don’t you. You always delete my post and never respond. Why? What have I done to you? I wish that we can have civil talk Bongofett (talk) 05:56, June 13, 2018 (UTC)

That guy

Now that that formality is out of the way, I would refer you to Brandon Rhea, our Wikia community manager. He may have the answers you are looking for. On a personal note, I appreciate the efforts you are taking to keep things civil in the Discussion forum. - AV-6R7 20:52, April 5, 2016 (UTC)

  • Actually, it seems that one of our administrators saw the message you left on my talk page and just blocked said individual forever and has disabled their ability to create an account. - AV-6R7 20:55, April 5, 2016 (UTC)

I'm not sure if you will see this or if I have to post this on your talk page...

I'm at a lost here. Things have gotten out of hand once again. I'm going to link multiple threads. Please read them all and notice the time stamps.

I personally don't think these need or should be deleted. It's obvious that there is a ton of misinformation being spread around. In the end, I would hope that all can see the history of this discussion.

Do you think that I should have handled it any differently? I'm open to any criticism or suggestions.

Should someone with Admin Powers post something to put all this bickering to rest?

I'm coming to you specifically because you have been the only one from what I've seen who has posted in those forums in a long time. I'm not sure if I should post this on the Administrators' noticeboard or not. I'm not sure if this is something that I should bring up with Brandon Rhea or not. The only times I have gone this route is to get the very extreme trolls dealt with. I simply don't know if this requires that kind of attention. Like many others, I have been using the 'report' feature in the app. If that is the proper thing to only do in this specific situation, I apologize for going this route.

Anyhow, here are the links...

Again, thank you for the help.

--ChristopherLeeGallant () 10:33, April 12, 2016 (UTC)

  • These post will hopefully deleted as spam by a mod (as they have nothing to do with Star Wars and are dedicated to bashing a user), though it appears that the argument has fizzled out in the third and fourth discussion, and the first and second have simply died and will soon be buried. For now at least, I would advise you to take no action until these type of post begin to reappear (which they will), and then report them to an admin, which will strengthen your position if presented in conjunction with the above evidence. - AV-6R7 13:36, April 12, 2016 (UTC)


Hey. I sent you an email to the address that's in your Wikia account. It was in regards to the Star Wars Discussions forum. Did you get that email? - Brandon Rhea 22:14, May 1, 2016 (UTC)

If you are referring to the one where you suggested that I post on the Admin Boards, yes I did. And that's what I did today in regards to the three users that I posted about on the Admin Boards.

Am I misunderstanding something? Should I have gone about this in a different way?

--ChristopherLeeGallant () 22:27, May 1, 2016 (UTC)

  • Hi. Sorry, I didn't see this reply. What I was asking in the email is if you wanted to become a moderator. You'd have moderator rights in the board, which include the ability to remove threads and approve/reject threads and posts that have been flagged for moderation. What you wouldn't be able to do is block users—that's where posting on the forum comes in. You can post there, or leave me a message on my talk page, saying when someone needs to be banned. What do you say? Interested? - Brandon Rhea 18:21, May 2, 2016 (UTC)

Absolutely Brandon. Does a page exists where the rules and expectations of moderation from a non-admin exist? I would prefer to have my actions be reflected by an 'official' documentation. If my actions are seen as fair or unfair, I think it would benefit everyone if the users have documentation to refer to.

Also, I access the discussion forums via website browser and via my android cellphone (which has the client from December as i prefer a dark them when reading late at night in bed). I occasionally have access to my partner's ipad with the latest client. To go about being a mod, would I have to use a specific client?

And lastly, thank you. I really appreciate the added responsibility. I look forward to helping as best as I can. --ChristopherLeeGallant () 19:43, May 2, 2016 (UTC)

Posted thread

Hi. first I would like to congratulate you on become a moderator! second I would like to inform you that I have posted a thread in the general discussion ultimately leading them to your and Brandon Rhea's talk page.

here is the link if you would like to view it. If this is the wrong way to go about this, please let me know. If the thread is to be deleted I will not be offended. I do know there is an admin page that the users of the wiki may go to however I didn't think that page needed to be filled with complaints that could be left somewhere else.DarthJaxon (talk) 10:47, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

  • DarthJaxon, first, thank you. I saw the post and thank you for it. After last night, I was planning to make a thread similar to that today. People should also feel free to use the built in email complaint system in the app. From what I understand, that goes directly to the Brandon and/or the Admins. The 'Ask a Mod a Question' thread that I made (which is also linked in my profile/bio) is also a good way to communicate and ask questions directly with me. I appreciate that you are being extra careful, but I implore that you don't have to be so formal with me. I'm pretty easy to get along with. If somebody does something incorrectly, but they have obviously good intentions, I will always try to point out a mistake and acknowledge the good intentions. Since I'm not a contributor, I don't spend much time on the wiki like this talk page as much as i do on the discussion forums. As a mod who is not an admin, that would be the most efficient way in contacting me. The admin board is open for everyone, but I don't think people would use it properly if you had linked it. So thank you for not doing that. Those who want to get familiar with wikia and wookiepedia should learn about it and understand that it has it's own set of strict rules and regulations. Heck, I'm still learning the ins and outs, dos and do nots. I think that with the 'report' and built in email features of the app, that should solve most issues. And with the Ask a mod thread, that should help even more. But if people want to go beyond that, feel to tell them to check out wookiepedia on a browser.

--ChristopherLeeGallant () 15:38, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

Thank you for the respons. I appreciate the insight. I just thought that contacting you here would be an easier way, than going to your 'ask a mod thread.' I figured that you didn't really want me sharing the admin page with everyone. I hope that is understandable, the general population of the wiki doesn't really have much of a purpose to be using that part of the forum. It should only be used in certain situations. If I need to contact you further I will do so in the 'ask a mod thread.' Thank you for your time! -DarthJaxon (talk) 18:44, May 6, 2016 (UTC)

RE: Discussion Forum series on how to be an Wookiepedia Editor

That seems to be our ultimate goal here, doesn't it; it's what the admins want, its what I want, and its what you, presumably, want. It's a good idea; Captain Britian made an edit today, and while it was rough around the edges, it was a step in the right direction. I am in full support of this concept and I advise you to reach out to our admin about this; they are among our most experienced editors and, who knows, they may participate directly. - AV-6R7 02:00, August 24, 2016 (UTC)

Please contact this email immediately. - AV-6R7 18:11, September 1, 2016 (UTC)

Wookieepedian of the Month

Hey Christopher. I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for Wookieepedian of the Month. You can see that nomination here. (I might suggest creating a user page now too. =P) Good luck! - Brandon Rhea 15:11, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

  • Yikes! I'm flabbergasted. Thank you. I really appreciate it! --ChristopherLeeGallant () 18:46, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

RE: I need help

I'd start with pasting Template:User infobox onto your page; then fill out the fields. I build my page through trial and error, so it might be helpful to check the coding of my page and start experiment. - AV-6R7 19:43, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

  • thanks.I'll get on that later when I can actually sit down and concentrate on this. Brandon made his post about your promotion. You better go and take a bow  ;) --ChristopherLeeGallant () 19:45, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

Deleted my Post

Hello! Now my latest post, was about the possibility of the Rebels from Rogue One, being the knights of Ren, now I dont understand the problem of my post, so why did you delete it? CosmicChronos loves ABBA | Sweden, the land of Meatballs 18:27, December 24, 2016 (UTC)

Hey just wanted to inquire about my post and ask why it was deleted. It was in top discussions, I refreshed and it was gone. I did read the policies and I don't think I broke any. Was just wondering that's all. MYSTiiCAL

Re: Discussions Insights

Yeah, I checked it out earlier. You sure do get around, don't you? - AV-6R7 21:52, January 17, 2017 (UTC)

RE: ‎Spoiler Policy and the /d discussion forums

This is a good discussion to have; it may be wise to start deviating from the standard Wookieepedia guidelines in some areas. - AV-6R7 06:25, January 20, 2017 (UTC)

Request for deletion: Hi Supreme Emperor, I recently created the page "SD-48 Survival Backpack". I admit I was getting nowhere as far as editing goes, and I put it up as a page for deletion. Could you please take a look and hopefully delete it for me?

--YourAnons (talk) 04:01, January 22, 2017 (UTC)

What was this ever going to be for?

RevanReborn1121 (talk) 03:18, February 8, 2017 (UTC)

When will you reload my posts? You said you would do it a while ago.

No rush though...I know that you are busy. :) RevanReborn1121 (talk) 01:16, February 16, 2017 (UTC)

Now that I think about it, I have been seeing them. Thanks for all the hard work! RevanReborn1121 (talk) 22:24, February 16, 2017 (UTC)

The "Ask a mod a question" page is not the link just not working for me? Immortal Emperor (talk) 00:19, April 4, 2017 (UTC)

can you help me ?

I am trying to add 'objective' sources for darth maul page,

I've seen that obi-wan's quote saying that maul is nothing in the first premeire quote in the darth maul wikia page, which is hilarious when you consider that the only character is getting discredit in his first quote is darth maul in this wikia...

and then he did undo all the powers and abilities section without editing and providing any reasons , this guy is obviously hate maul and trying to make fun of him ;

I am just trying to add proper sources and informations to make this better.

now what anil did ;

-adding obi-wan quote in the first quote section of the darth maul

I mean would you like to see Maul saying 'a rat in the desert' for obi-wan in the first quote of the page ? it would be stupid and hilarious...

-deleting powers and abilities section and adding the only negative informations on maul page

this is not helping to the page at all...

I mean this anil guy is obviously hates maul and he gave no proper reasons or edits to make this right.

--Marco1001 () 06:32, April 7, 2017 (UTC)

  • I have clearly told you my reasons to revert your edit, if you want the change the quote which was seemed a better one by several users including myself, you should start a discussion in the talk page. And your "powers and abilities" edit includes unsourced lightsaber forms info. You have to give a source for the names of the stances you spoke of (besides a "Twin Suns"). I won't continue to bother your edit not to start an edit war and let other decide. As you are someone who is new to Wookieepedia, I would be happy to help you if you encounter any problems or have any questions. I also ask you not to insult me on my talk page again (and you even wrote it in Turkish so non-Turkish users cannot understand). (talk) 06:59, April 7, 2017 (UTC)

Removing talk page comments

Please do not remove messages from talk pages, including your own. All messages are part of the public record and must remain visible. If you do not want a message to remain on your talk page, you may archive it on a subpage of this page provided that a link to the archive page is placed at the top of this page. Thank you for your cooperation.--Exiled Jedi (talk) 17:07, April 8, 2017 (UTC)

How come a bunch of my posts were deleted from ?

Immortal Emperor (talk) 22:19, April 19, 2017 (UTC)

Hey, this is Nuka-Jam I'm pretty new to this Wikia, but am an active member on several others. So, about 10 minutes ago, I posted something that followed all of your guidelines. It wasn't a versus, spam, or trolling. It was simply a lore question. And for some reason, a moderator deleted it. Its no big deal, but could I get some info so I don't make the same 'Mistake'? Nuka Jam () 02:45, April 22, 2017 (UTC)Nuka-Jam

Hello, Okay, let's start fresh. I'm nuka jam. I've been an avid star wars fan ever since I saw "A new hope" when I was 5. I am very interested in the lore and story of star wars. I understand that you are a well respected moderator, and I thank you for contributing to the wiki. What I'm here to ask is; why do you keep deleting my posts? I mean, com'mon man. Just because I'm new to your wiki doesn't mean my ideas and opinions don't matter. The least you could do is help me understand why you delete my posts. They all follow the discussion guidelines. However, one of my posts was a wiki guidelines question, which I now understand shouldn't have been posted there. Based on other peoples questions, you do this a lot on this wiki.

Nuka Jam () 21:50, May 21, 2017 (UTC)Nuka Jam

This is from Jeremiah Barclay. How come my discussion posts keep getting deleted? I don't believe I have said anything offensive all I have done is talk about Star Wars topics but for some reason they keep getting deleted. I don't know if you are doing this or someone else is but it is very annoying as I have not done anything. Please help as I do not know. Thanks Jeremiah Barclay

Christopher,glad to see you. I am L12345566997 ,but I changed my username to Edgar O f Star Wars.Weren't you also on the Battlefront wiki.I changed my username because I ... let's say I ran into trouble with Commander Awesome on the Battlefront wiki,but that is the past.So I came to ask if you could help me on the new article I made Supreme Commander (Empire) ?I would be very thankfull to you.Have a nice day.

Hello, the customer support team suggested I contact you directly to discuss a topic I created that you deleted. I was hoping for a discussion of the topic but it was deleted.

Please could you let me know why, I have never posted before and the front page of the app is quite happy to tell me to start a discussion right off the bat.

RE:Answering simple questions in Discussions

Understood. I'll stay off those threads going forward. Shayn Mikel (talk) 23:32, July 26, 2017 (UTC)


Hello, ChristopherLeeGallant. I'm posting this here, first, for the record, since this is inevitably going to turn into a larger discussion, and people will likely need to look at this for reference. You recently issued a permanent ban to Elite Star Wars Fan for what I'm assuming is some misbehavior on Discussions. For the record, for those reading this, Wikia's technical limitations mean that blocks cannot independently be issued on either the wiki or Discussions; if someone is blocked on Discussions, they are automatically blocked on the wiki, and vice versa. The problem is, I had a very long discussion with Brandon Rhea about this back in April, and I explained to him, and he agreed, that granting Discussion moderators blocking power on the wiki would need to go through wiki community approval. I don't know what happened since then, but I have had no further discussion with anyone from Wikia about this, and I see no indication that any such community discussion or approval took place, which means you don't have the authority to issue Wookieepedia blocks, even if Wikia apparently technically granted you this power. We're going to need to resolve this situation, but in the meantime, I would recommend you not issue any further blocks in the absence of community approval, which would effectively be a violation of the [[Wookieepedia:Site feature policy|Site feature policy]]. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 04:26, September 9, 2017 (UTC)

  • Understood. It would probably be best for you and I to talk about this together, but it's late, so now's not the time. Maybe tomorrow. Keep an eye on your talk page. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 06:06, September 9, 2017 (UTC)

7.1 New message

Can you help me? I can't find my discussion. FinnMeertens () 15:52, October 15, 2017 (UTC) FinnMeertens

Why Did You Delete My Star Wars Battlefront Film Idea In The Discussions?

Why? I'm just curious. That's all. Trailblazer101 03:03, October 18, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Plan for new mods

I'm pleased and honored that you want me as a moderator. I'm also not surprised in the slightest that you've already reached out to Blinks; he's a good choice. I am on twitter, but I use it so seldom that I never bother to check. I literally only created it to ask the Lucasfilm Storygroup questions. I will, however, pay more attention to it now. My Twitter handle is @Wookieewok_ . Feel free to contact me when it suits you. Thank you kindly for reaching out to me and giving me this opportunity! --- Wookieewok (talk) 02:27, October 21, 2017 (UTC)

Hi CLG it's Ace Andron.

There seem to be these scammers on the discuss page who have posted tons of things that have nothing to do with Star Wars or are too inappropriate. Do think you could block them or delete these posts.


Ace Andron

Discussions bans

Hi CLG, please make sure to include a mention of "Discussions" in your block reasons. Seeing someone ban a user without any contributions on the wiki might be a bit confusing. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 11:05, December 15, 2017 (UTC)


Hey CLG, just to reiterate ecks' point in the above message, please leave a note in the block summary stating it is for discussions, for the record. Thanks, Supreme Emperor (talk) 16:11, December 15, 2017 (UTC)

G’day. All of my posts are being deleted. Can please get a reasonable answer why and how I can fix this problem.

RE: Legends to Canon

Weedle is correct in saying that the Clone Wars is considered part of both canon and Legends and so that article is correct as it is. If someone is interested in seeing a canon page for this trooper then they should be bold and create [[Unidentified clone trooper (Negotiator)/Canon]], although it is important to note that they shouldn't just copy and paste the Legends article as that will result in it being deleted. Ayrehead02 (talk) 08:42, March 15, 2018 (UTC)


Hello, you already know me. Any way can you upload that image on the DD-bd droid also why is this happening, I just added a text box to dd-bd page and i saved it and it said that it somehow did not work and it happens all the time. Bongofett (talk) 05:45, June 11, 2018 (UTC)


This guy has spammed me 2 times and I believe it will happen again. He has wrote “” and at first i though it was a joke but I don’t think a spammer should be allowed and I have seen him or her get removed a few times, can you ban them. Here’s there account Bongofett (talk) 06:38, June 11, 2018 (UTC)
