Unidentified scout trooper (Ryloth)

A human scout trooper served the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In 2 BBY, he was stationed on the planet Ryloth, where the Imperial occupation clashed against the Free Ryloth Movement, a Twi'lek insurrection group led by Cham Syndulla. It was during this insurgency that he and two other scout troopers pursued Syndulla aboard 614-AvA speeder bikes and cornered him near the Tulara Ravine.

Before he could be captured, however, the freedom fighter was aided by his daughter, Hera Syndulla, and her rebel crew, the Spectres. Refusing to let his enemies escape, the scout trooper boarded Syndulla's freighter, the Ghost, only to be knocked unconscious by the hulking Lasat Garazeb Orrelios. The scout's armor was later used by the Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger to infiltrate the Imperial headquarters of Ryloth's Tann Province.

Pursuing insurgents

A human who lived during the Galactic Civil War, the scout trooper was stationed on the planet Ryloth during an ongoing conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Free Ryloth Movement. In 2 BBY, he and two other scout troopers located the movement's leader, Twi'lek freedom fighter Cham Syndulla, and gave chase to him and his companion, the soldier Numa. Piloting 614-AvA speeder bikes and escorting a K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport, the troopers pursued the Twi'leks and their blurrg mounts through the Ryloth deserts. The scout narrowly avoided a thermal detonator thrown by Numa that exploded in front of one of his fellow biker scouts, killing the rider. Following this act of aggression, the remaining scouts opened fire on the insurgents. The second biker was also killed after being thrown off course by Numa's blurrg, leaving only the one scout and the troop transport.

The trooper held his ground against the apporaching rebels.

The trooper held his ground against the apporaching rebels.

The Twi'leks soon reached a dead end, finding themselves at the edge of a steep cliff near the Tulara Ravine. As the trooper closed in, however, the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost descended from the north, having pushed through the Imperial blockade above the planet's surface. The ship was piloted by Cham's daughter, Hera Syndulla, who requested that her companions on the ground turn back toward the Imperials so that she might extract them. The trooper brought his speeder bike to a halt and ordered the troop transport to fire on the incoming starship. Despite their combined effort, the Imperials' firepower was not enough, and the Ghost blasted the troop transport, leaving the biker scout alone to deal with the enemies.

The Twi'leks rode past the trooper, gaining enough ground to guide their blurrgs up the Ghosts front boarding ramp and into its loading bay. The scout was able to drive in front of the freighter while the ramp was still down, giving him time to hit the brakes on his bike and fly into the ship before its doors closed. The trooper had successfully caught up with his quarries, a victory that swiftly turned into a defeat; once inside the freighter, the scout was immediately met with raised blasters from the Twi'leks, who were now reinforced by Syndulla's rebel cell, the Spectres. The largest of the rebels, a Lasat named Garazeb Orrelios, mocked the trooper's lack of judgement before knocking him unconscious with hearty punch.


Having never acquired a scout trooper's helmet before, Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan who flew with the Spectres, took possession of the biker's armor. After rescuing her father, Hera planned to retrieve a priceless belonging, their family's Kalikori, from the office of Imperial Captain Slavin. In order to infiltrate the Imperial headquarters in the Tann Province, Bridger donned the trooper's uniform and escorted Hera into the base disguised as a native prisoner. Their plan was complicated by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who deduced the true identities of Syndulla and Bridger. After rigging the building to explode, the two managed to escape with their lives, though Bridger lost the trooper's helmet along the way.

Personality and traits

The scout, alone on an enemy ship

The scout, alone on an enemy ship

The trooper was determined in his efforts to capture Syndulla, refusing to give up his pursuit of the fugitive even after each of his companions was killed. The scout's willpower saw him through in boarding the Ghost, where he excitedly exclaimed upon catching up to his enemies. His eagerness to succeed turned out to be his downfall; his shortsightedness in boarding the Ghost cost him both his mission and his armor.

Skills and abilities

The trooper and his companions were able to locate Syndulla in the desert where other Imperial operatives had failed in the past. While pursuing the Twi'leks, the biker scout displayed proficiency in using his speeder, avoiding oncoming explosives and performing a risky braking maneuver to propel himself into the Ghost, where he managed to stick his landing.


The trooper wore the standard white plastoid armor of members of the Stormtrooper Corps, an outfit that would later be used to commit subterfuge against his Empire. He piloted a 614-AvA speeder bike during his pursuit of Cham Syndulla and carried an EC-17 hold-out blaster with him, which he quickly brandished after boarding the Ghost.

Behind the scenes

The trooper appeared in the fifth episode of the third season of the Disney XD television series Star Wars Rebels, which aired on October 15, 2016. The episode marked the first appearance of scout troopers in the series, with this specific trooper being voiced by series creator and executive producer Dave Filoni.



