Unidentified prototype turret

An anti-personnel prototype turret model was acquired by Lord Grathan.


The turret was a large unmanned anti-personnel emplacement capable of projecting flames.


During the Cold War, Imperial Captain Bryn requested the aid of a passing spacer to retrieve the plans from Lord Grathan's estate on Dromund Kaas.

The Imperial spacer successfully infiltrated Grathan's compound, retrieving a security badge from a member of Lord Grathan's forces in order to pass by its automated defences. The spacer stole into Grathan's weapons lab and downloaded the plans from the databanks of PO-12, much to the droid's chagrin, who wanted to destroy the schematics and ensure no more could be built. Upon the spacer's return, Bryn displayed an eagerness to test the efficacy of the turrets on Republic personnel.

Behind the scenes

The prototype turrets appear in the "Strange Weapons" exploration mission on Dromund Kaas, in the BioWare/LucasArts online roleplaying game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, released in 2011.

Players have two options during the quest: they can download the turret plans for dark alignment points or remove PO-12's restraining bolt to allow the droid to delete the plans for light alignment points.



