
PO-12 was the designation of a protocol droid, located within the weapons lab of Lord Grathan's estate on Dromund Kaas, during the Cold War. He boasted that he was fluent in over 100 forms of communications and dialects. He was part of a project regarding a prototype turret, the plans to which were stored in his databanks. He found the turrets, which had set several subjects on fire during testing, to be incredibly inhumane. PO-12 wanted to destroy the plans to the turrets, but his restraining bolt prevented him from doing so.

In around 3643 BBY, on the orders of Special Forces Captain Bryn, an Imperial spacer successfully infiltrated Grathan's compound, retrieving a security badge from a member of Lord Grathan's forces in order to pass by its automated defences. The spacer stole into the weapons lab and downloaded the plans to the prototype turrets from the databanks of PO-12, despite the droid's protests. As the droid was not programmed for combat, he was unable to prevent the data from being downloaded, much to his chagrin.

PO-12 first appeared in the BioWare/LucasArts online roleplaying game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, released in 2011. He acts as a non-player character during the "Strange Weapons" exploration mission for Imperial players on Dromund Kaas. His voice actor is not specifically identified in the game's credits.

Players have two options during the quest: they can download the turret plans for dark alignment points or remove PO-12's restraining bolt to allow the droid to delete the plans for light alignment points. If the player retrieves the plans, PO-12 expresses disappointment. If the plans are destroyed, PO-12 instead reacts happily, although he realises he is unable to escape Grathan's compound and risks being scrapped.

Behind the scenes

PO-12 first appeared in the BioWare/LucasArts online roleplaying game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, released in 2011. He acts as a non-player character during the "Strange Weapons" exploration mission for Imperial players on Dromund Kaas. His voice actor is not specifically identified in the game's credits.

Players have two options during the quest: they can download the turret plans for dark alignment points or remove PO-12's restraining bolt to allow the droid to delete the plans for light alignment points. If the player retrieves the plans, PO-12 expresses disappointment. If the plans are destroyed, PO-12 instead reacts happily, although he realises he is unable to escape Grathan's compound and risks being scrapped.



