Unidentified dig-rig overseer

The male overseer of the Outer Rim planet Vernid's worm farming industry employed the man Devon Lhent, in reality the ex-Imperial Major Soran Keize, as a dig-rig worker around 4 ABY. During his time on Vernid, Keize was tracked down by two New Republic Intelligence agents, who he killed. "Devon's" colleague Klevin was sure that the overseer would help them, but Keize instead advised his fellow worker to tell the overseer he killed the agents.


During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, the male invididual was the overseer of the worm farming industry on the muddy Outer Rim planet Vernid. He was in charge of the dig-rigs and their crews and notably maintained contact with "the Harch," a female Harch who ran a repair crew aboard the Lormar-class space station Whitedrift Exchange. A number of weeks after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, one of the Harch's crew, who went by Devon Lhent, informed his employer that he wished to leave to find work elsewhere. Hailing her contact on Vernid, the overseer himself, the Harch sent Lhent to the planet, where the overseer offered him a place in one of the dig-rig crews.

Unbeknownst to the people around him, Lhent's real identity was Soran Keize, a major in the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing who had deserted his unit after coming to believe his side had lost the war. During Keize's time on Vernid, he was tracked down by two agents of the New Republic's intelligence branch, who attempted to bring him in. Keize killed the pair and with the help of dig-rig hauler Klevin, who was confident that the overseer would back them. However, the ex-Imperial, intent on fleeing Vernid, instead advised his colleague to tell the overseer he murdered the agents.

Behind the scenes

The overseer was mentioned in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the first volume of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.






