Unidentified Unknown Regions star system (destruction of Special Task Force One)

An Unknown Regions star system with a sun was situated less than 800 light-years from the border of Galactic Republic. In 27 BBY, the star system was scheduled to be the first stop in the Unknown Regions for a routine navigational check during the journey undertaken by the Galactic Republic exploration and colonization vessel Outbound Flight.


The star system was situated less than 800 light-years from the border of Galactic Republic.

The star system was situated less than 800 light-years from the border of Galactic Republic.

In 27 BBY, the star system was the site of the destruction of Special Task Force One of the Trade Federation. After the battle, Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet was ordered to return to the Crustai asteroid base to meet the returning Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet. She dispatched him on a security sweep of nearby systems while she and her inspection group, which included Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, core name "Thrass," of the Eighth Ruling Family and their reluctant guide, Jorj Car'das, conducted an apparent investigation into his latest act of aggression.

Prior to the battle of Outbound Flight, Thrawn took his forces to another star system and wanted to confirm that it was indeed located on a straight-line path between the Expansion Region's Roxuli system and the former Trade Federation battle zone, much to the irritation of the Neimoidian Vicelord Siv Kav. Kinman Doriana assured Thrawn that the vector was calculated correctly.


  • The Essential Atlas



