Ar'alani's inspection group

Ar'alani's inspection group was an inspection group consisting of Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, core name "Thrass," of the Eighth Ruling Family and their reluctant guide, Jorj Car'das, that was led by Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet to investigate the battle zone after the destruction of Special Task Force One of the Trade Federation.


Admiral Ar'alani recruited Jorj Car'das (pictured) to investigate the Trade Federation battle zone.

Admiral Ar'alani recruited Jorj Car'das (pictured) to investigate the Trade Federation battle zone.

Following the destruction of Special Task Force One of the Trade Federation, Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet was ordered to return to the Crustai asteroid base to meet the returning Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet. She dispatched him on a security sweep of nearby systems while she conducted an apparent investigation into his latest act of aggression.

At the asteroid base, Corellian smuggler Jorj Car'das eventually went to speak with Thrawn, although he encountered Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, core name "Thrass," of the Eighth Ruling Family. Thrass took Car'das to the quarters of Admiral Ar'alani at the upper level of the base, where she began questioning Car'das about the latest incident involving the Trade Federation vessels. Car'das tried to stall Ar'alani by stating that Thrawn acted within the scope of the Expansionary Fleet's charter and fought only in self-defense. Ar'alani questioned him if the enemy conducted a preemptive strike instead, and Car'das replied that the mere act of launching droid starfighters was an act of aggression. While Car'das pretended he did not know where the battle took place, Ar'alani revealed to him that she possessed a data cylinder with the last two months' navigational data of Thrawn's Chiss attack cruiser Springhawk, including the location of the Trade Federation battle zone. Ar'alani then recruited Car'das, who reluctantly agreed, perceiving that he had no other choice. With the inspection group assembled, they traveled to the battle zone, where Thrawn had destroyed the Trade Federation task force.


Ar'alani's inspection group examined the wreckage at the Trade Federation battle zone.

Ar'alani's inspection group examined the wreckage at the Trade Federation battle zone.

At the Trade Federation battle zone, Admiral Ar'alani examined the wreckage with Thrass and Car'das, who was relieved to discover that the Lucrehulk-class battleship Darkvenge was not there. From looking at the debris field, Ar'alani discerned that fourteen or thirteen vessels were destroyed by Thrawn. After learning about droids from Car'das, Ar'alani found no evidence that Trade Federation droid starfighters attacked first. Car'das tried to convince Thrass and Ar'alani that Thrawn's actions against the Trade Federation were justified using his earlier argument about the starfighters, but was worried about what would happen to him and his companions if the Admiral chose to bring up charges against the Commander. The inspection group returned to the Crustai asteroid base nearly two hours before Thrawn returned from the inspection tour that Ar'alani sent him on.

Behind the scenes

Ar'alani's inspection group first appeared in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight written by Timothy Zahn.



