Unidentified Pijal monarch

A monarch of the Inner Rim Territories planet Pijal led the Pijali monarchy during the Republic Era and was a relative of the human princess Fanry. At court, the Pijali ruler worked with representatives of the Czerka Corporation and supported their continued influence in Pijal's affairs. In 48 BBY, the monarch died, causing infighting in Pijal's court over who should rule as regent until Fanry was old enough to ascend the throne.


The monarch ruled the Inner Rim planet Pijal during their reign.

The monarch ruled the Inner Rim planet Pijal during their reign.

During the Republic Era, a native Pijali individual served as the monarch of the Pijali monarchy and ruled the Inner Rim Territories planet Pijal. Prior to being crowned, they participated in a ceremonial Grand Hunt event meant to symbolize how a successful hunter could provide for their people. They also took part in other royal traditions and parties hosted by the Czerka Corporation in anticipation for their crowning. While on the throne, they lived in the world's royal palace near the world's capital city.

In 54 BBY, the ruler's relative—the human princess Fanry—was born and became next in line for the world's throne. During their reign, the monarch worked with representatives of Czerka while at court and often encouraged the company's involvement in Pijal's affairs. When the ruler died in 48 BBY, Fanry grieved their passing. Following the monarch's death, Pijal's courtiers argued over who should become Fanry's regent until she was old enough to become queen. The courtiers eventually sent a request to the Galactic Republic for a neutral arbiter, which ultimately resulted in Jedi Knight Rael Averross being sent to the world by the Jedi High Council to serve as regent. When he arrived, Averross saw Fanry still grieving the loss of her relative.

In the following years, Fanry conducted research on the monarch and her other predecessors and formed a dislike for how readily they had accepted Czerka's influence over Pijal in the past. As Averross grew more encouraging of Czerka, Fanry formed a dislike for both the Jedi and the monarch that had ruled before her. In 40 BBY, Fanry was crowned queen of Pijal and violently seized absolute power at her coronation, claiming that she needed the authority to free her world from Czerka after the mistakes of the monarch and her other predecessors.

Behind the scenes

The Pijal monarch was mentioned in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel written by Claudia Gray.






