Grand Hunt

The Grand Hunt was a traditional celebration held on the planet Pijal, prior to the coronation of a new queen. The queen to be crowned was expected to both participate and perform well as a ceremonial means of showing that she could provide for her people. It became traditional to leave behind all advanced technological devices prior to entering the hunt, as people had previously used to cheat. In such older times, live prey had been hunted, but this was eventually replaced with a programmed droid as the target of the hunt. Participants hunted while riding on Pijal varactyls.

Such a hunt was held prior to the coronation of Queen Fanry, attended by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn during their Mission to Pijal, and held over Jinn's objections that the hunt placed Fanry in danger due to the terrorist activities on the planet. Both Kenobi and Jinn took part in the hunt in order ensure Fanry's protection, which proved necessary, as the droid which was the target of the hunt had been programmed to attack Fanry.


  • Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition






