Unidentified Kubazian landlord


He was a Kubaz owner of some lodging establishment in the city of Trid on Danuta.

His business was located just twenty meters away from the Trid spaceport; as a result, the building was often shaking when ships took off and specifically the rooms facing it were exposed to the noise and smell of fuel, ozone and sewage. He had a difficulty letting that particular set of rooms, although he somehow tried to minimize the negatives, pointing out the astonishing view to potential tenants. Indeed, only a hearing impaired Rybet rented the apartment designated 4G until he was murdered around 2 BBY, and the landlord was unable to let those rooms again. The building's halls and rooms were neglected, full of dust, wish unwashed windows; even the number "4" had fell from that room's door.

Around 1 BBY a human woman arrived and inspected the apartment of the former Rybet tenant. Pulling a curtain caused dust to spring free, and opening a window let in an odor; despite the odor, the landlord kept himself from wearing a as it would discourage the potential customer. The woman, who was Jan Ors, an agent of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, claimed that the ambience was nice and in his hope, she paid in advance some coins; not because she was stupid but because she expected a particular ship.

Personality and traits

The landlord was desperate in doing business and finding customers in the pathetic outpost town of Trid, frequented mostly by miners and smugglers. Knowing the shortcomings of his facilities, he tried to make a point diminishing the negatives, and his hand was always ready to accept some coins. He looked suspicious enough so that Jan Ors felt uncomfortable near him and never turned her back on him while he was with her inspecting the room.

Behind the scenes

The Kubazian landlord is canonical, as he appears in Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, but has not been named.






