Trid spaceport

The Trid spaceport was a spaceport located at the eastern end of the town of Trid, the capital of Danuta, and was the gateway to and from the planet.


The spaceport contained a humble, one-story terminal that didn't differ much from a common warehouse. At its west end was nestled a battery with surface-to-air missiles, and a farm of antennae. To the other end was an off-limits area with six TIE/LN starfighters, guarded by a squad of stormtroopers and many prohibition signs.

Adjacent to the terminal were cantinas, clubs, strip joints and cheap diners, as was the gase with most towns throughout the galaxy. Up the street were the outfitters, suppliers, and parts houses.

A small strip lane was available to the starships. An automated , with worn-out orange paint, guided incoming vessels to their slot.

Twenty meters beyond its security fence was a lodging establishment, suffering by the noise, vibrations and stenches coming from the spaceport; however according to its Kubazian landlord, it provided a great view.


The spaceport served Trid, the capital of Danuta, frequented by employees of Brodsport Mining Corporation, smugglers, spacers and Imperials. Although not as busy as spaceports of larger cities of more important planets, five dozens of ships can come and go by the strip in one day.

Kyle Katarn on his Mission to Danuta, arrived on the Moldy Crow and landed on slot twenty-three under the identity of "Dan Drexel". The local customs agent recognised his face, having seen it earlier in some briefing (Katarn was wanted by the Empire, having defected to the Rebel Alliance), and was about to check; "Drexel" claimed that he was off shedule and would rather bribe the agent in order to let him pass without more delay. The Crow stayed there for several days, and Katarn used it as his home while preparing for his tasked with infiltrating the Danuta research facility.

Eventually Katarn reunited with fellow Rebel agent Jan Ors and tasked her with piloting the Crow in order to extract him. While the customs agent discovered something suspicious about "Drexel" and was talking with several Stormtroopers holding a paper (presumably a wanted poster for Katarn), they saw Ors about to board the Crow; she managed to raise the ramp in time and boot up the system, while the soldiers in vain tried to harm the ship with their hand weapons, only to be cut by the ship's lasers. In the meantime TIE pilots ran to the TIE fighters, who proved to be easy targets for her; one TIE managed to lift the ground and attempted to shoot at the Crow but Jan detonated a load of fuel, blowing the vessels. The resulting shrapnel, fuel and the cannon fire devastated the remaining pursuing ships. After the havoc, the Crow flew to the west to rendezvous with Katarn.






