Unidentified Jedi Master (Kamino)


A Jedi Master served the Jedi Order during the final years of the Republic Era and the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 19 BBY, near the war's end, the Jedi was stationed in Tipoca City, the capital of the extragalactic planet Kamino, home to the Kaminoans who had created the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, who were aware the clone army had been commissioned by the deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, the clones' creation had been hijacked by the Sith, their ancient enemy, who had the clones engineered to execute them via the secret command Order 66, which also declared all Jedi to be traitors. When the command was given by Darth Sidious—publicly the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—the Jedi Master was one of the many casualties, dying with their lightsaber in their hand.

The Jedi's lightsaber falls from their hand

The Jedi's lightsaber falls from their hand

Shortly after the issuance of Order 66, Clone Force 99—an irregular clone commando unit nicknamed the "Bad Batch"—returned to Kamino from a battle on Kaller. Four of the squad's five members were immune to the Order 66 mind control due to either their status as genetically defective clones or extensive cybernetic implants, and they were thus deeply confused by the situation, having witnessed the murder of Jedi Master Depa Billaba at the hands of her own troops. Landing their starship, the Marauder, in landing bay one-tac-one, the commandos were struck by the presence of Coruscant Guard shock troopers, before noticing two troopers carrying the Jedi Master's cloth-draped corpse through the hangar on a stretcher. The Jedi's left hand, clutching their lightsaber, slipped out from underneath the shroud, and the weapon fell to the floor. A nearby shock trooper officer picked up the lightsaber, before pointedly asking Clone Sergeant Hunter, the Batch's leader, if there was a problem due to the way he and his squad were staring. Hunter responded that there was no problem, and the officer stated that there would be a mandatory briefing at 1500 before leaving, following the troopers carrying the body.

Personality and traits

The Jedi Master was a humanoid with a feminine body shape. Their skin was purple on the back of the hand and a greenish yellow on the palms, which had four fingers and a thumb.


The Jedi Master owned a lightsaber with a silver hilt and gold accents.

Behind the scenes

The Jedi Master appeared, unidentified, as a corpse in "Aftermath," the first episode of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which premiered on Disney+ on May 4, 2021. Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo later revealed that the Jedi Master was a new character who had been named in the episode's script, though Hidalgo did not say what the name was, stating he preferred to let someone closer to the show reveal the information.



