Unidentified Ewok (hang glider) 2

Behind the scenes

The website for 2015's Celebration Anaheim identified this Ewok as being played by actor and stuntman Felix Silla in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. This casting was once again confirmed in April of 2021, via a Lucasfilm Instagram post, which paid tribute to Silla, after the actor's passing earlier that week.

In 2007, Silla had been previously identified as playing a darker-furred Ewok in the same scene, whose glider is shot down by a stormtrooper's errant blaster fire. On his personal website, Silla had stated that the hang-gliding Ewok he played was to be called "Retah." However, neither of the two Ewoks using hang gliders has been officially identified by the name Retah in any canon source. The current version of Silla's website now erroneously identifies the hang-gliding Ewok he played as Wunka.


  • Star Wars: Behind the Magic
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File50



