Unidentified Chagrian middle man

A Chagrian served as a middle man for the Hidden Hand criminal syndicate during the Imperial Era. At some point, he learned of a deal between the arms dealer Wef and another crime syndicate, the Pykes, and arrived at their meetup point. When Wef finally arrived with the goods and noticed the clients were dead, the Chagrian explained that he had a better offer from the Hidden Hand. In order to stay alive, the Melbu accepted the deal and joined the syndicate. A few years later, Wef told the story of the Chagrian to the bounty hunters Dengar and Honnah during their hunt for the Sith Lord Darth Vader in 1 BBY.

The Chagrian middle man was mentioned in the third issue of the 2019 comic-book miniseries Star Wars: Target Vader, written by Robbie Thompson and published by Marvel Comics on September 25, 2019.

Behind the scenes

The Chagrian middle man was mentioned in the third issue of the 2019 comic-book miniseries Star Wars: Target Vader, written by Robbie Thompson and published by Marvel Comics on September 25, 2019.



