Umbaran airbase

The Umbaran airbase was an airbase located on the planet Umbara that was used by the native Umbarans as a supply line to the planet's capital.


The Umbaran airbase was located on Umbara during the Clone Wars. It was used by the Umbaran Militia primarily for resupply, sending weapons and other resources to the capital city during the Battle of Umbara. It had an outer wall surrounding an airfield as well as barracks, interior hangars, and a main command center situated in the central tower.


During the 501st Legion's western advance towards the airbase during the Battle of Umbara, they were directed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to advance on the airbase in an attempt to cut off the Umbaran capital's supply lines. However, they encountered heavy resistance in the form of the Umbaran Militia's Impeding Assault Tanks and Umbaran mobile heavy cannons. In part due to the brunt tactics of interim commander and Jedi General Pong Krell, which involved the troops advancing down a narrow gorge directly towards the airbase, the clone troopers suffered heavy casualties until two troopers, ARC trooper CT-5555 "Fives" and "Hardcase," were sent ahead with the approval of Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" and stole two Umbaran starfighters from the airbase and used them to destroy the mobile heavy cannons.

The 501st Legion captured the airbase and began using it as their own base of operations

The 501st Legion captured the airbase and began using it as their own base of operations

The clones occupied the base, setting up their own command center. At one point, Fives and Hardcase were joined by CT-5597 "Jesse" on a mutiny mission to destroy a Separatist supply ship that was hampering other Republic forces, piloting Umbaran starfighters once again despite orders from Krell not to do so. Hardcase sacrificed himself to accomplish the mission, but Fives and Jesse were subsequently court-martialed upon their return and imprisoned in the airbase's ray shielded cells. When they were sentenced to execution by firing squad, the two clones were brought outside the airbase's central tower to be shot, but the firing squad purposely missed and set their comrades loose after some convincing by Fives. Krell confronted Rex about the incident but was interrupted by new intelligence on enemy movement.

Krell was eventually executed in the airbase's prison cell

Krell was eventually executed in the airbase's prison cell

After Krell sent members of the 501st and the 212th Attack Battalion into battle against each other, tricking both groups by lying that the other force were disguised Umbaran soldiers, the two groups discovered the ruse and advanced on Krell, with Rex leading a group into the tower to surround him. The Jedi Master fought and killed several clones before leaping from the tower and onto the ground. He tore through the force of clones waiting for him outside and escaped the airbase, fleeing into the jungle. When the clones eventually captured him, Krell was eventually imprisoned in the airbase. When Kenobi and the 212th captured the capital city, surviving Umbaran forces started towards the airbase. The clones found themselves in a dilemma regarding having Krell as a prisoner, as they knew they could not allow him to communicate intel to the enemy. Krell was then executed by CT-6922 "Dogma" after Rex found himself unable to do so.

Behind the scenes

The Umbaran airbase first appeared in "The General," the the eighth episode of the fourth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
















