
Ubduria was an Inner Rim Territories celestial body. It was one of the two homeworlds—the other being the Outer Rim planet Nag Ubdur—of the sentient Ubdurian species. The Ubdurians were among the galaxy's earliest spacefaring species and eventually established a commercial empire along the hyperspace route known as the Vaathkree Trade Corridor. At one point, the forces of the Mandalorian warrior culture devastated Ubduria as part of one of their crusades into the galaxy's inner regions.


Ubduria was a celestial body located in the regions known as the Inner Rim Territories and the New Territories. It was situated in grid square N-8 of the Standard Galactic Grid and was linked via hyperspace route to the astronomical object Obroa-skai.


Ubduria was one of the two homeworlds of the Ubdurian species.

Ubduria was one of the two homeworlds of the Ubdurian species.

During one of their crusades into the galaxy's inner star systems, the forces of the Mandalorian warrior culture, which viewed Ubduria's native Ubdurian species as dishonorable cowards, devastated the astronomical object, with its fate being noted in the document "Mandalorians Through the Ages" by author and historian Eloc Throno. At some point, Ubduria was also mentioned in an entry of an artist's journal dedicated to the Ubdurians. The journal was eventually restored, expanded, and displayed at the Graf Archive at some point no earlier than 34 ABY.


Ubduria was one of the two homeworlds—the other being the planet Nag Ubdur in the Outer Rim Territories's Ubdur system—of the sentient Ubdurian species, who spoke the Ubdurian language. The Ubdurians were one of the galaxy's earliest spacefaring species and eventually established a commercial empire along the Inner Rim's Vaathkree Trade Corridor hyperspace route.

Behind the scenes

Ubduria was first mentioned in Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy.

Ubduria was first mentioned in Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy.

Ubduria was introduced in the reference book Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy, which was authored by Jason Fry and published on August 23, 2016. On the Jedi Council Forums of TheForce.net, Fry later commented on the apparent contradiction arising from, on the one hand, Chuck Wendig's July 12, 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt describing the Ubdurians as being native to the Outer Rim Territories' Nag Ubdur and, on the other hand, Aliens of the Galaxy establishing that the commercial empire of the Ubdurians, the species' historical seat of influence, was situated along the Inner Rim Territories' Vaathkree Trade Corridor.

The author of the latter work noted that the Outer Rim and the Inner Rim were located relatively close to each other in Ubduria's vicinity—although he also implied tongue-in-cheek that the fact, which originated with the Vaathkree Trade Corridor's placement in the Star Wars Legends continuity, had not figured in the Ubdurians' description during the writing process for the book. Subsequently, the 2018 book Star Wars: Alien Archive explicitly noted both Nag Ubdur and Ubduria as the Ubdurians' homeworlds, and Ubduria was ultimately placed on what corresponds to the Vaathkree Trade Corridor in Legends by a map created for the reference book Star Wars: Timelines and given out as a promotional poster at Celebration Anaheim on May 27, 2022 prior to the book's release during Celebration Europe of April 7 through 10, 2023.

