
Tyros was a male dig-rig worker who worked with a crew on the planet Vernid during the Galactic Civil War. He had a crush on a boy in a nearby town whom he visited weekly. In 4 ABY, he partnered with the newer worker "Devon Lhent," questioning his crewmate about an incident the night before, although Lhent downplayed the situation. The next night, Tyros and other workers visited the Red Moon Festival at the settlement Bakerstown. There, he encouraged Lhent to speak to his friends about their work to make him look good. After around half an hour of conversation, Tyros promised to introduce his crewmate to any girls the man found pretty, claiming he knew everyone.


During the Galactic Civil War, Tyros worked as a hauler in a dig-rig crew in the worm farming industry on the Outer Rim planet Vernid. He was the youngest member of the crew and had a habit of leaving equipment in the water after finishing work, and he also took a shuttle to a nearby town weekly to spend time with another boy that he had taken a liking to. In 4 ABY, Tyros was visiting his crush while the rest of his crew visited a local cantina. During the cantina gathering, a newer member of the crew who called himself "Devon Lhent" asked about Tyros' whereabouts, and the crew hauler Klevin and rigswoman Nanchia discussed the boy's habit of visiting his crush. Not long after, Lhent expressed displeasure at the New Republic's attack on Galactic Empire forces in the Pandem Nai system, leading to a commotion with other patrons.

Tyros questioned "Devon Lhent" (pictured) on his prior incident

Tyros questioned "Devon Lhent" (pictured) on his prior incident

Tyros had learned of the incident by the following morning. He was partnered with Lhent on the rig that day, adjusting cranks while Lhent pulled levers and flashed signal lamps at other crews. An hour into the shift, Tyros asked his partner about the situation the night before, but Lhent, not wanting word of the incident to spread further, downplayed the incident's severity. After the shifts had finished for the night, Lhent checked Tyros's work to make sure the boy had not left equipment in the water again.

The next night, the workers, Tyros included, visited the Red Moon Festival in the settlement Bakerstown. There, Tyros urged Lhent to meet his friends, encouraging his crewmate to talk to them about their work to make him look good. Lhent spoke with Tyros's friends for around half an hour. When his crewmate broke off from the conversations, Tyros covertly assured him that he would help if he ever needed anything and told to let him know if he was interested in anyone there because he knew everyone. Later that night, Lhent ended up killing two New Republic agents who had come to arrest him, fleeing Vernid thereafter.

Personality and traits

Tyros was a sociable young man with many friends and acquaintances on Vernid, claiming to know "everyone." He had a habit of leaving equipment in the water after finishing work, which annoyed his crewmates. Tyros also had feelings for another boy, who had made a habit of visiting weekly. Because of his preoccupation with his social engagements, some of his co-workers believed that Tyros would eventually fail to check in to work, but they resolved not to cover for him as they felt he needed to learn better. At the Red Moon Festival, he prompted Lhent to try to make him look good to his friends. Afterward, Tyros promised his crewmate to help him with any of the man's crushes.

Behind the scenes

Tyros appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed.






