Twin Stars of Kira

The Twin Stars of Kira were a pair of starsLazerian and Ropagi—that served as the endpoints of the Kira Run hyperlane. As a result of the expansion of culture, the meaning of the term "Twin Stars of Kira" became misleading over time. While it could be assumed to be a binary star system, it in fact referred to both stars on the end of the Kira Run, which itself contained the similarly named Kira system. Lazerian and its system intersected the Kira Run with the Harrin Trade Corridor, while the Ropagi system intersected with the Enarc Run. Across the length of the Kira Run, the Twin Stars were two hours apart via hyperspace

The Twin Stars of Kira were created by John Terra and introduced in Twin Stars of Kira, a 1993 supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

Behind the scenes

The Twin Stars of Kira were created by John Terra and introduced in Twin Stars of Kira, a 1993 supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

