Torino Kyber

Torino was the overseer of Refinery Six-Two-Two and opposed Imperial meddling in their profits. If Commander Sev Buzk would change the price to an unlikable amount, Torino would just block the shipments. Because of this, Lieutenant Treyz Manech hired Boba Fett to depose the local monarchy, and Torino was killed shortly after the destruction of his refinery. The last words he ever heard were "Commander Buzk sends his regards."


Torino was the overseer of Refinery Six-Two-Two and opposed Imperial meddling in their profits. If Commander Sev Buzk would change the price to an unlikable amount, Torino would just block the shipments. Because of this, Lieutenant Treyz Manech hired Boba Fett to depose the local monarchy, and Torino was killed shortly after the destruction of his refinery. The last words he ever heard were "Commander Buzk sends his regards."



