Sev Buzk

Sev Buzk was the commander of the small Imperial garrison on the Outer Rim world of Troska. He tricked the locals into thinking the Empire was on the verge of full scale occupation, enabling him to extort them. Doing so through a campaign of brute force and intimidation, Buzk was undone when his underling Lieutenant Manech hired bounty hunter Boba Fett to entrap the commander and expose his corrupt conduct.

Instigator of chaos

Buzk choking Manech upon discovering the hiring of Boba Fett

Buzk choking Manech upon discovering the hiring of Boba Fett

Nine months after the destruction of the first Death Star, Commander Sev Buzk was stationed on the remote Outer Rim planet of Troska and was placed in charge of a small garrison of Imperial troops. It was an ignoble post, considered a posting for dead-end careers. Buzk made the most of it by pushing around the locals through extortion rackets, encouraging political coups and enabling gambling rackets. He kept his men safe by using the ruse that the Imperial Army was close to fully occupying the planet.

This ruse did not work on the royal family of Troska, the Kybers—they fought back against Buzk's force and cut off the garrison's regular fuel supply from the refineries. Buzk found Prince Torino Kyber particularly annoying, causing three lock-outs in a month at Torino's refinery. Buzk threatened the Kybers many times and, on more than one occasion, sent his interrogation squad to stop the lock-outs.

Fall of an officer

Buzk is led away after being arrested.

Buzk is led away after being arrested.

In an attempt to stop the deadlock, Buzk's Lieutenant, Treyz Manech, employed the bounty hunter Boba Fett to deal with the Kybers. When Buzk found out, he nearly killed the lieutenant. However, he was interrupted by a transmission from King Natas, head of the Kyber family. He accused Buzk of sending Boba Fett, who had just destroyed Torino's refinery. Buzk originally denied knowledge of the incident, blaming it on the Hutts, but Natas then played a security hologram of Fett saying that Buzk had sent him.

Buzk promptly ordered a huge contingent of troopers to attack the Kyber palace, driving a troop transport during the battle. The battle ended in his defeat, and Buzk was arrested by the Empire for his extortion of the Kybers. Despite his reputation as a model commander, Buzk's true nature was duly exposed by Manech, who had called in Boba Fett as part of his plan to end Buzk's abuse of the locals.

Personality and traits

A male humanoid individual with pale gray skin, bald pate and red eyes, Buzk was a very violent person who had brute power on top of his role as a commander, and he often treated his own men with the same violence as he would an enemy. Despite his ruthlessness and willingness to extort his enemies, he did try to hide these intentions by acting ignorant of events of which he had knowledge.

Behind the scenes

Sev Buzk first appeared in the 2006 comic Boba Fett: Overkill, written by Thomas Andrews and drawn by Francisco Ruiz Velasco. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, gave Buzk's first name as Sev.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



