Tols Vengra

During his childhood on Garban, Tols Vengra wanted to became a civil servant. Being a Jenet, he already had an extraordinary memory, but he chose to improve it by implanting an Aj^6 in his brain. This connection with his brain erased some of his personality and pride, and suddenly he found his previous goal uninteresting.

He tried to become an officer in the Imperial Navy, but not being a Human, the Empire rejected him absolutely. He tried again and was then threatened: The Empire could use him as a slave. After a second similar threat, Vengra decided to forget this second goal.

Vengra then met a criminal businessman named Opun "Black Hole" Mcgrrrr. Mcgrrrr hired Vengra to increase his profits as a thug. However, Vengra was stealing some of Mcgrrrr's new incomes, as he wanted to return to Garban with much more money.

Mcgrrrr had a rivalry with Jabba the Hutt after Jabba defeated Mcgrrrr in some business on Bespin. Infuriated, Mcgrrrr stole Jabba's accounting droid CZ-3. He wanted to get the information in CZ-3's brain and then use it to blackmail Jabba. Unknowing to Mcgrrrr, Jabba had foreseen his movement and CZ-3 was already spying Mcgrrrr and sending that information to Jabba.

Mcgrrrr lost control on CZ-3 and sent Vengra to recover it. At the same time, Jabba sent a Snivvian bounty hunter, Takeel, also to recover CZ-3. The three of them met, and Vengra stated that the droid was a property of Mcgrrrr. Before the situation could be solved, however, Takeel's brother Zutton appeared and shot and destroyed CZ-3. Vengra returned to Mcgrrrr to report his failure.


During his childhood on Garban, Tols Vengra wanted to became a civil servant. Being a Jenet, he already had an extraordinary memory, but he chose to improve it by implanting an Aj^6 in his brain. This connection with his brain erased some of his personality and pride, and suddenly he found his previous goal uninteresting.

He tried to become an officer in the Imperial Navy, but not being a Human, the Empire rejected him absolutely. He tried again and was then threatened: The Empire could use him as a slave. After a second similar threat, Vengra decided to forget this second goal.

Vengra then met a criminal businessman named Opun "Black Hole" Mcgrrrr. Mcgrrrr hired Vengra to increase his profits as a thug. However, Vengra was stealing some of Mcgrrrr's new incomes, as he wanted to return to Garban with much more money.

Mcgrrrr had a rivalry with Jabba the Hutt after Jabba defeated Mcgrrrr in some business on Bespin. Infuriated, Mcgrrrr stole Jabba's accounting droid CZ-3. He wanted to get the information in CZ-3's brain and then use it to blackmail Jabba. Unknowing to Mcgrrrr, Jabba had foreseen his movement and CZ-3 was already spying Mcgrrrr and sending that information to Jabba.

Mcgrrrr lost control on CZ-3 and sent Vengra to recover it. At the same time, Jabba sent a Snivvian bounty hunter, Takeel, also to recover CZ-3. The three of them met, and Vengra stated that the droid was a property of Mcgrrrr. Before the situation could be solved, however, Takeel's brother Zutton appeared and shot and destroyed CZ-3. Vengra returned to Mcgrrrr to report his failure.



