The Wish Plant

The gift

Baga, Kneesaa and the wish plant

Baga, Kneesaa and the wish plant

Kneesaa is not having very good luck with her gardening. Despite her pleading, her last surviving flower dies. Kneesaa worries that the village will never trust her to take care of the Soul Trees. Wicket, Latara, and Teebo visit her, but they aren't very encouraging.

In despair, Kneesaa heads to the edge of the garden with her pet bordok Baga. Shortly later the Leaf Queen arrives in a sudden swirling wind. She asks Kneesaa to take care of a special plant for her. Kneesaa tells her that all the plants she's taken care of have died, but the Queen says to give it "lots of love" and she will do fine. The Queen vows to return for the plant in three suns' time, and with another swirling wind, she vanishes.

Greed and desire

Kneesaa and the wish plant

Kneesaa and the wish plant

The other Ewoks tease Kneesaa about the plant. Wicket causes her to spook Baga, causing him to run off, pulling the wagon carrying the plant—and now Kneesaa—along with him. They finally crash in a pit of mud. Kneesaa wishes for something to help clean her up, and the plant magically gives her a brush. Then she wishes for something pretty to wear, and the plant gives her a bow, which she puts on Baga's head.

Teebo figures that what she has is a wish plant. Then Latara decides that she wouldn't mind having a wish plant for herself. Later, Latara decides to takes the plant from Kneesaa's hut. Returning to her hut, she wishes for something to make her more beautiful than she is now. The wish plant gives her a hideous mask, prompting her to threaten to uproot it. The wish plant gives Latara a nice outfit with jewellery.

Before she can make another wish, the same greed grabs hold of Wicket. Returning to his hut, Wicket wishes for something to help him get his Belt of Honor. However, the wish plant spits out two heavy weights, which hurt his feet. Wicket makes a second demand and the wish plants gives him a "do-it yourself" warrior kit. Wicket is pleased and dresses up as a warrior.

Succumbing to greed, Teebo also steals the wish plant. Sensing that the plant is looking wilted, Teebo asks for some magic powders. The plant gives him powders which cause him to slip on the wooden walkway. Latara catches the plant's pot but Wicket grabs it. Teebo is knocked down in the process and the three Ewoks fight for it. By the time Kneesaa gets it back, the plant is wilted from being all used up. Wicket opines it doesn't look so bad but the plant drops its remaining leave.


When the Queen comes back for plant, Wicket fibs that the plant is sleeping because Kneesaa has been giving it naps. The Queen warns them that she turned the last creature who harmed her plants into leaves. The Queen tells them that she will return before the sun goes down. Kneesaa fears being turned into a pile of leaves while Latara fears becoming a friend to a "pile of leaves."

So Wicket set out to try to find another wish plant. Baga spots a similar looked leafy plant, which Wicket uproots. However, the plant proves difficult to pull out. In the meantime, Teebo tries to heal the plant with a magic spell but as usual it doesn't turn out quite right. The spell instead causes Latara's wreath to sprout new leaves.

Back in the forest, Wicket obtains another plant from a hill but draws the wrath of an insect which spits out stingers. A distraught Kneesaa tends to the plant in a cradle. Wicket returns having not had any luck either. Latara realizes that Wicket has failed while Teebo admits he doesn't have a potion. As the Leaf Queen arrives outside, Kneesaa cries over the plant as she apologizes to it.


She turns to leave the hut to go tell the Leaf Queen the truth, not seeing that her tears actually healed the plant. Kneesaa starts to apologize, and her friends join in and beg not to be turned into leaves. The Queen asks if Kneesaa took good care of the plant before entering the hut. But when the Queen retrieves the plant, they all see that the plant is fine. The Queen then assures Kneesaa that she'll take good care of the Soul Trees one day. The wish plant then blooms some seeds for Kneesaa, which the Queen says she should plant them before it snows. Now the other Ewoks want Kneesaa to share her wish plant seeds.




