
Teeka was a Jawa who resided on the planet Tatooine and was part of a Jawa tribe in 9 BBY. She searched for a T-16 skyhopper toy and delivered it to Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, who gave Teeka seventy-five credits. Teeka, who had stolen Kenobi's moisture vaporator processor board, offered it to Kenobi, who bought it stating that if Teeka stole his parts, that she should at least clean them, and rejected a Jedi belt the Jawa had retrieved from a starship.

Always hustling

Teeka was a Jawa trader who dwelt on the desert planet Tatooine with her tribe during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Her clients consisted of those searching for scraps of technology or other junk, including the hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, who requested that she find him a T-16 skyhopper toy, as he wished to gift it to the youngling Luke Skywalker. In 9 BBY, Teeka and her tribe discovered a Jedi starfighter in the wastes that the fugitive Jedi Nari had flown to Tatooine while fleeing from the Inquisitorius. The Jawas stripped it for parts, salvaging a Jedi utility belt among other things.

Teeka also stripped parts including the processor board from the moisture vaporator above the cave where Kenobi dwelt in the Dune Sea on the edge of the Jundland Wastes. She later returned to visit Kenobi in the cave with a floating scrap cart that carried the toy he sought as well as the parts from the starfighter and vaporator. Arriving late, the Jawa found Kenobi sat eating when she arrived and greeted him by complaining about his smell.

When Kenobi asked after the toy, Teeka initially questioned if he would be able to pay for it and asked for one hundred credits, claiming the toy was rare since it was no longer made. Kenobi haggled her down to seventy five credits for the grimy and broken toy, after which the pair heard the vaporator begin sputtering above them.

Jedi = profit

Teeka questioned if the device was working and when Kenobi mentioned the stolen parts she offered him the processor board. The hermit revealed that he knew it was Teeka who had stolen it in the first place and requested that she at least clean the parts if she wished to sell them back to him. Teeka did not deny the theft but merely pointed out that cleaning would cost extra.

Taking the toy and board, Kenobi got out his credits, at which point the Jawa attempted to sell him the belt from the starfighter, telling him about the fugitive Jedi and claiming that she hoped there would be more Jedi since they were good for business. Kenobi—who, unbeknown to Teeka, was himself a Jedi in hiding—told her that it was unlikely there would be any more since the Jedi were all but extinct. Returning the belt, he then paid the grumbling Teeka and bid her farewell, after which the Jawa left.

Personality and traits

Teeka was a shrewd entrepreneur and a hustler who aimed to sell her wares at a mark-up to her clients using her deal-making prowess. What she lacked in height, she made up for in attitude, although she was still charming despite not always being honest.

When dealing with Kenobi, she opened and ended her interaction with him by complaining about his smell, claiming she could have smelt him all the way from the settlement of Anchorhead. She was also willing to steal from the hermit and sell him back his own possessions, not denying it when confronted and even refusing to clean the items before returning them. Teeka spoke in Jawaese and had orange eyes.


Teeka wore brown robes with brown gloves, brown foot wrappings, and a bandolier. She also carried a Jawa ionization blaster. Her wares included scraps of technology and other junk which she transported on a floating scrap cart. When visiting Kenobi she brought the T-16 skyhopper toy in a satchel, Kenobi's processor board, and Nari's Jedi utility belt, among other parts.

Behind the scenes

Teeka was portrayed by Leilani Shiu in "Part I" of the Disney+ show Obi-Wan Kenobi, which aired on May 26, 2022.


  • Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide

Non-canon sources






