Team Fwillsving

A limmie team played for the planet Fwillsving in the Galactic Cup of Limmie. On the date 13:3:14, an issue of HoloNet News' CoCo District Edition reported that the team's single-score victory over the planet Kubindi's team inspired a riot that saw that four million limmie enthusiasts express their jubilation by looting, vandalizing, and partying in the streets of Svitalos, the city on Fwillsving in which the game was held. One merchant, Kerlay Utanks, marked the occasion by exploding a number of thermal detonators in his own store.

Team Fwillsving was mentioned in an issue of the HoloNet News feed, Volume 531, Issue 47, which was written from an in-universe perspective and published in 2002. The issue was written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens.

Behind the scenes

Team Fwillsving was mentioned in an issue of the HoloNet News feed, Volume 531, Issue 47, which was written from an in-universe perspective and published in 2002. The issue was written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens.



